Information Technologies and International Development


Work data:

ISSN: 1544-7529

Type of work: Journal




Informative, lively, and provocative, Information Technologies and International Development (ITID) focuses on the intersection of information and communication technologies (ICT) with international development. ITID aims to create a networked community of leading thinkers and strategists to discuss the critical issues of ICT and development, an epistemic community that crosses disciplines (especially technologists and social scientists), national boundaries, and the North and South hemispheres.


Raiti, G. C. (2007) The Lost Sheep of ICT4D Research [e]

Heeks, R. (2007) Theorizing ICT4D Research [e]

Kenny, C. J. & Khalil, M. (2008) The Next Decade of ICT Development: Access, Applications, and the Forces of Convergence [e]

Gamage, S. & Samarajiva, R. (2008) Internet Presence as Knowledge Capacity: The Case of Research in Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure Reform [e]

Johnson, E., Kolko, B. E., Putnam, C. & Walton, R. (2009) Skills Are Not Binary: Nuances in the Relationship Between ICT Skills and Employability [e]

Best, M. L. & Kumar, R. (2009) Sustainability Failures of Rural Telecenters: Challenges from the Sustainable Access in Rural India (SARI) Project [e]

Burrell, J. & Toyama, K. (2009) What Constitutes Good ICTD Research? [e]

Graham, M. & Haarstad, H. (2011) Transparency and Development: Ethical Consumption through Web 2.0 and the Internet of Things [e]

Zuckerman, E. (2010) Decentralizing the Mobile Phone: A Second ICT4D Revolution? [e]

Nedevschi, S., Pal, J., Patra, R., Pawar, U. & Plauche, M. (2009) The Case of the Occasionally Cheap Computer: Low-cost Devices and Classrooms in the Developing World [e]

Srinivasan, J. (2012) Looking Beyond “Information Provision”: The Importance of Being a Kiosk Operator in the Sustainable Access in Rural India (SARI) Project, Tamil Nadu, India [e]

Srinivasan, J. (2012) Users’ Perceptions of the Impact of Public Access Computing in Colombia: Libraries, Telecenters, and Cybercafés [e]

Peña-López, I. (2012) Book review: Comunicación Móvil y Desarrollo Económico y Social en América Latina [e]

Baron-Porras, L. F. & Gómez, R. (2012) Same But Different: Comparing Public Access Computing Venues in Colombia [e]

Frias-Martinez, V. & Virseda, J. (2013) Cell Phone Analytics: Scaling Human Behavior Studies into the Millions [e]

Cantoni, L., Fino, E., Rega, I. & Vannini, S. (2013) Exploring the Meanings of Community Multimedia Centers in Mozambique: A Social Representation Perspective [e]

Kolko, B. E. & Racadio, R. (2014) The Value of Non-Instrumental Computer Use: A Study of Skills Acquisition and Performance in Brazil [e]

Ortoleva, P. & Sey, A. (2014) All Work and No Play? Judging the Uses of Mobile Phones in Developing Countries [e]