Dark Patterns


Szerovay, K. (2017). “Dark Patterns”. In Szerovay, K., UX Knowledge Base Sketch, Nov 1, 2017. Budapest: Szerovay, Krisztina. Retrieved February 26, 2023 from https://uxknowledgebase.com/dark-patterns-3b41ed7a690e

Work data:

Alternate URL:
png file https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1100/format:webp/1*egNjxpcPatZa63bUUr3GFg.png

Type of work: Blog post


Architecture, Urbanism, Design | Psychology


What are Dark Patterns? Tricks, tactics applied in order to make the users do something they did not intended to do in the first place. In some cases, there is a very fine line between persuasive design/influencing user behavior and deliberately tricking them (most often for getting short-term advantages).


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Full sketch:
Szerovay, K. (2017). “Dark Patterns”. In Szerovay, K., UX Knowledge Base Sketch, Nov 1, 2017. Budapest: Szerovay, Krisztina.