Synthetic indicators for measuring e-business: A target approach
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Type of work: Article (outreach)
e-Business & e-Commerce | e-Readiness | EconomicsAbstract:
The quantitative approach, by defining appropriate synthetic indicators, to a qualitative description of targets concerning the development of e-business and the settlement of a general framework for the detailed socioeconomic analysis of changes promoted by the intensive use of ICTs, are the two main elements of originality of the paper.The target description is founded on the e-Europe Action Plans, where targets are proposed to make of Europe “the most competitive and dynamic economy in the information and communication society”. For the definition of synthetic indicators, indicators from different European projects are classified into three different levels of concretisation, covering information about changes in demand and supply, and the internal organisation and business strategy. These synthetic indicators built on the idea of “importance” of an indicator in the description of each level of concretisation. With these indicators and using data from those European projects and from other regional projects, static analysis is developed for comparing different regional and national realities concerning the development of e-business.