First results of the dataset analysis


Aragón, P. (2014). First results of the dataset analysis. D-CENT. Decentralised Citizens ENgagement Technologies. D2.2. Barcelona: D-CENT. Retrieved December 12, 2014 from

Work data:

Type of work: Working Paper


e-Democracy | Social Media & Social Software




This deliverable describes the datasets that will be used in D-CENT Work Package 2: “Network driven data analysis, modelling and visualization”. The main goal of this Work Package is to study new organizational models from emerging citizen movements to provide inputs for the design and development of the D-CENT platform. At this stage of research, we do not intend to propose a sociopolitical interpretation of the data analysis results. Further steps will be aimed to characterise the behaviour of connected multitudes of citizens, and collective intelligence self-organisation dynamics, as well as the assessment of the models based on real data, and on the usage of the D-CENT platform. The aim of this document is to offer a description of the data to be used in further steps of analysis, and some preliminary results to characterize the datasets.

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