Working bibliography on public procurement of Artificial Intelligence

I am collaborating with ParticipationAI on finding out what would be an ideal model of stakeholder engagement in the life-cycle of public procurement of Artificial Intelligence.

So far, I’ve put together a collection of works related with AI in public Administration, in a very broad sense. Here it comes. All suggestions are welcome.

Working bibliography

Ada Lovelace Institute, AI Now Institute & Open Government Partnership (2021). Algorithmic Accountability for the Public Sector. London: Ada Lovelace Institute, AI Now Institute, Open Government.
Agencia Tributaria (2024). Estrategia de Inteligencia Artificial. Madrid: Agencia Tributaria.
AI Now Institute (2018). Algorithmic Accountability Policy Toolkit. New York: AINOW.
Ajuntament de Barcelona (2022). Definició de metodologies de treball i protocols per a la implementació de sistemes algorítmics. Llibre blanc. Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Association for Progressive Communications, Article 19 & Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (2019). Global Information Society Watch 2019. Artificial Intelligence: Human Rights, Social Justice and Development. [online]: APC, Article 19, SIDA.

