Borge, Rosa

Works: 18 references

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Esteve del Valle, M. & Borge, R. (2018). “Leaders or Brokers? Potential Influencers in Online Parliamentary Networks”. In Policy & Internet, 10 (1), 61-86. Berkeley: Berkeley Electronic Press. Retrieved November 06, 2017 from
Borge, R., Balcells, J., Padró-Solanet Grau, A., Batlle, A., Orte, A. & Serra, R. (2018). La participación política a través de la plataforma Decidim: análisis de 11 municipios catalanes. IX Congreso Internacional en Gobierno, Administración y Políticas Públicas GIGAPP. Madrid, 24-27 de septiembre de 2018. Madrid: GIGAPP.
Balcells, J., Borge, R., Delgado García, A.M., Fiori, M., Julià, M., Marsan Raventós, C., Peña-López, I., Pifarré de Moner, M.J., Torrubia, B. & Vilasau, M. (Coords.) (2016). Building a European digital space. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, 7-8 July, 2016. Barcelona: UOC-Huygens Editorial.
Borge, R. & Santamarina Sáez, E. (2015). From protest to political parties: online deliberation in the new parties in arising in Spain. Paper prepared for the international conference: Democracy: A Citizen Perspective. Panel II: Political participation through social media. Chair: Rachel Gibson. Åbo Akademi University. Center of Excellence in Democracy Research (D:CE). Turku, Finland. May 27-28, 2015.. Turku: Åbo Akademi University.