- EAIE2014 (V). Internationalise your curriculum through virtual mobility
- EAIE2014 (IV). E-supervision: a new tool for enhancing PhD education in Africa
- EAIE2014 (III). Social media content curation: tips, tricks and winning strategies
- EAIE2014 (II). Jan Muehlfeit: stepping into a new era
- EAIE2014 (I). Game on! Gamifying international student recruitment
- Mapping the new telecentre
- New paper. Spanish Indignados and the evolution of the 15M movement on Twitter: towards networked para-institutions
- Project-centered personal learning environments in e-research and open social innovation
- IDP2014 (XII). Internet and politics (II)
- IDP2014 (XI). e-commerce and consumer protection
- IDP2014 (X). Julián Valero: From digitalization to technological innovation: A juridical assessment of the modernization process of Public Administrations in the last decade
- IDP2014 (IX). Yves Poullet: A new Privacy age: towards a citizen’s empowerment: New issues and new challenges
- IDP2014 (VIII). Henrik Kaspersen: Cybercrime: a decade of transformations
- IDP2014 (VII). Cybercrime
- IDP2014 (VI). Internet and politics (I)
- IDP2014 (V). e-Government (II)
- IDP2014 (IV). e-Government (I)
- IDP2014 (III). Gerald Spindler: Liability of ISP providers – recent developments in the EU
- IDP2014 (II). Ramon Casas Vallès: Ten years of intellectual property on the Internet law reforms
- IDP2014 (I). Helen Margetts: Chaotic pluralism. Politics after a decade of social media
- Enter Forum (IV). mShools
- Enter Forum (III). Round table on the Internet, Privacy and Education
- Enter Forum (II). Victòria Camps: How to educate in an audiovisual environment?
- Enter Forum (I). Paula Sibilia: How social networks transform our intimacy?
- Thesis Defence. Sara Vannini: Social Representations of Community Multimedia Centres in Mozambique
- Open social innovation: the political organization as a platform
- The future of libraries, if they have any
- Innovation in education: improvement or transformation?
- MOOCs, cMOOCs and xMOOCs: time to split up
- School as a social innovation hub
- Jane S. Ley: Ethics Management in Government: Experience in American Government
- VIII Forum on Education (VII). New landscapes and new requirements for Education and their professionals
- VIII Forum on Education (VI). What did it mean to my personal and professional experience belonging to an innovation network
- VIII Forum on Education (V). Leading today’s centers: challenges of an innovative center
- VIII Forum on Education (IV). Innovation in times of change of era
- VIII Forum on Education (III). Building innovative learning environments
- VIII Forum on Education (II). Seminar on innovation in education: making up a hypothetical case of educational innovation
- VIII Forum on Education (I). Seminar on innovation in education: defining innovation
- Appointed Director of Open Innovation at Fundació Jaume Bofill
- Open Social Innovation
- Casual Politics: slacktivism as the tip of the technopolitics iceberg
- John Postill: Ethnography for theorising media and change
- e-Supervision (VII). Concluding Session
- e-Supervision (VI). How can e-supervision contribute to improve doctoral education in Africa
- e-Supervision (V). From theory to practice: models, experiences, opportunities and challenges of e-supervision
- e-Supervision (IV). Innovative tools enabling e-supervision
- e-Supervision (III). Olive Mugenda. e-Supervision to support the development of doctoral studies in Africa
- e-Supervision (II). Ismael Peña-López. e-Supervision: framing the debate
- e-Supervision (I). Opening Session
- Global Revolution (IV). Challenges, problems and innovations in the phase of evolution of the network movements cycle 2011-2013 (II)
- Global Revolution (III). Challenges, problems and innovations in the phase of evolution of the network movements cycle 2011-2013 (I)
- Global Revolution (II). Sequence of gestation, explosion and contagion of the network movements cycle 2011-2013 (II)
- Global Revolution (I). Sequence of gestation, explosion and contagion of the network movements cycle 2011-2013 (I)
- 10th anniversary
- A comment on PLEs, ZDPs, heavy-switching and translearning
- The reinvention of democracy in the network society
- New niches for online journalism
- XI Congreso de la AECPA (V). Political behaviour and political communication
- XI Congreso de la AECPA (IV). Political representation and citizen participation: whan can political theory bring to institutional reform?
- XI Congreso de la AECPA (III). The effects of the economic crisis in Spanish democracy: legitimacy, dissatisfaction and dissaffection
- XI Congreso de la AECPA (II). Elections and public opinion in times of crisis
- XI Congreso de la AECPA (I). Digital inclusion and Internet governance for an open government
- Sandra González-Bailón: The self-organisation of political protest and communication networks
- Social movements and new institutionality of democracy
- PostDem (VII). David Fernà ndez: parliaments. The CUP: one foot on the street, one foot in the Parliament
- PostDem (VI). Ada Colau: citizenry. The PAH: from the ILP to the ‘escraches’
- PostDem (V). Roger Palà : media. Mediacat and the Yearbook of the media silences
- PostDem (IV). Lourdes Muñoz SantamarÃa: Parties. PSC BCN: network party, open party
- PostDem (III). Alessandro Di Battista: multilevel movements. The Movimento 5 Stelle
- PostDem (II). Joan Subirats: Governance. The Third Axis
- PostDem (I). Ismael Peña-López: The Second Transition?
- Casual Politics: From slacktivism to emergent movements and pattern recognition
- Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics
- IDP2013 (X): Privacy (II)
- IDP2013 (IX): Privacy (I)
- IDP2013 (VIII): Social Movements
- IDP2013 (VII): Duncan Watts: When does size matter? “Big data,†the Web, and social science
- IDP2013 (VI): Politics
- IDP2013 (V): Criminal Law
- IDP2013 (IV): Privacy (I)
- IDP2013 (III): Regulation
- IDP2013 (II): Mireille Hildebrandt: Slaves of Big Data. Are we?
- IDP2013 (I): Intellectual Property
- SIF13 (VII). Internet freedom for global development – making progress?
- SIF13 (VI). Transforming international development through ICTs
- SIF13 (V). A free and open internet for global inclusive growth
- SIF13 (IV). Cyberactvism: Caught between love and hate?
- SIF13 (III). Free and secure communication in a multinational context
- SIF13 (II). Reconciling freedom and security in cyberspace
- SIF13 (I). Internet freedom in the global debate: mapping the state of play
- Book. Personal Learning Environments: keys for the networked educational ecosystem
- Book. Citizenry and Nonprofits
- The importance of the context and the human factor. A reply to ‘The OLPC Correlation With MOOCs’
- Ana Rivoir: National Strategies for the Information Society in Latin America, 2000-2010. The case of Uruguay
- The virtual telecentre and the demand side of unemployment
- New article. Heavy switchers in translearning: From formal teaching to ubiquitous learning
- DarÃo Quiroga Parra: ICT, knowledge, innovation and productivity
- Social Innovation (IV). Susanne Stormer: Changing future Health
- Social Innovation (III). Presentation of the study: “Co-innovation: keys to learn how to innovate from the alliancesâ€
- Social Innovation (II). The technology sector as a driver for social innovation
- Social Innovation (I). Jem Bendell: Unleashing Abundance, collaborative disruptive social innovation
- Designing institutions that foster the Information Society
- Open educational resources on Cloud Computing and Social Networking Sites for professionals
- Book Chapter: Key factors for successful ICT4D projects: How can telecoms contribute.
- Book Review: Comunicación Móvil y Desarrollo Económico y Social en América Latina
- Evgeny Morozov: How to control new digital intermediaries?
- Createdestruct (V). Towards a new citizen democracy
- Createdestruct (IV). The city as innovation platform
- Createdestruct (III). Comunity economics
- Createdestruct (II). Labs from the society
- Createdestruct (I). Juan Freire: building a culture for social innovation
- Oriol Miralbell: Social networking sites and exchange of knowledge
- Open Parliament, the Senate in the Net (III): Citizen participation and presence of the Parliament in the Net
- Open Parliament, the Senate in the Net (II): Accessibility and Reuse of public sector information
- Open Parliament, the Senate in the Net (I): Transparency and communication
- From movements to constitutions. How to think in a networked and open source constitutional process
- Robert Bjarnason: Citizen participation in Iceland through the web Better Reykjavík
- Networked democracy and new institutionality. New models for the XXIst century democracy
- From the Arab Spring to the Global Spring. How to think on the global relationships of the new movements in the digital age
- Technopolitics and the 15M. The power of connected crowds. Network system #15M. A new paradigm for distributed politics
- The defence of the Network, hacktivism and other contributions to the source code of the new movements
- From wikileaks to the Global Spring. Logics of the Internet in collective action
- Data Analysis and Visualization: The 15M Movement and Other Case Studies
- Transforming institutions in the Knowledge Society: a matter of e-Awareness
- Personal Learning Environments and the revolution of Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development
- Challenges and Opportunities of Online Entertainment. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (X). Privacy On Line
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (IX). Government and Regulatory Policies
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VIII). Right to Be Forgotten
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VII). Privacy and electronic commerce
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VI). Pedro A. de Miguel Asensio: online entertainment and customer protection
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (V). New business models for contents distribution on line
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (IV). Fundamental rights
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (III). Copyright
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (II). Fred von Lohmann: Copyright Limitations, Exceptions, and Copyright’s Innovation Policy
- 8th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (I). Greg Lastowka: Copyserfs and the Stationers’ Company 2.0
- Debates on Democracy and Political Community: representation, participation and intermediation
- New book published: Community action in the net
- EduDretTIC2012: Virtual platforms and learning assessment
- EduDretTIC2012: Tools for collaborative work
- EduDretTIC2012: Planning teaching through ICTs
- EduDretTIC2012: Paul Anthony Maharg: Assessing legal professionalism in simulations: The case of SIMPLE
- Microblogging in the classroom. From information to participation
- Personal Learning Environments as conscious learning strategies
- Why the Information Society made a good bunch of Law obsolete
- Advantages and disadvantages of social web technologies in learning
- eInclusion Intermediaries in Europe: horizon 2020
- More than wires: measuring the Information Society
- ICTlogy v6.0
- The conquest of Internet: new maps for new territories
- The needed shift in policies to foster the Information Society: skills and refuseniks
- Conference series on trends in the Information and Knowledge Society
- Education and development in a world of networks
- iPad for Researchers and Scholars: the leap to enhanced reading
- From micro-evolutions to macro-revolutions: ICTs in Education
- e-Research: social media for social sciences (revisited)
- TIES2012 (XII). Educational policies on ICTs and educational innovation: Analysis of the programme Escuela 2.0
- TIES2012 (XI). David Istance: Technology Use and Broader Models of Schooling and Learning — common arguments re-examined
- TIES2012 (X). José Antonio Millán: Digital prostheses in education: opportunity or consumerism?
- TIES2012 (IX). Educational projects based on laptops in the school
- TIES2012 (VIII). Looking into the future of Education
- TIES2012 (VII). Digital society’s changes and challenges, and their implications for education
- TIES2012 (VI). Punya Mishra: Creative Teaching with Technology: Introducing the TPACK Framework
- TIES2012 (V). Betty Collis: Digital Learners: Will they surprise us?
- TIES2012 (IV). Innovative uses of ICTs in teaching and learning processes
- TIES2012 (III). Present and future of PLE: conceptualization, practice and critic of Personal Learning Environments
- TIES2012 (II). Neil Selwyn: Social media, social learning? Considering the limits of the ‘social turn’ in contemporary educational technology
- TIES2012 (I). Juana M. Sancho-Gil: Technological affluence, educational precariousness: a look at the last 20 years
- Daniel Innerarity: Politics in the era of Networks
- e-Research: social media for social sciences
- Professional qualification: ICT Space Facilitator
- Joan Balcells, Ana SofÃa Cardenal: The influence of the Internet on voting behaviour
- Leadership in a digital age: networks, digital competence and social networks
- Announcement: Call for papers for the 8th International Conference on Internet Law & Politics
- Communication and Civil Society (VII). The limits of the mass media and the emergence of mass self-communication in the digital age
- Communication and Civil Society (VI). The incidence of the new social movements. Exploring new fields for political action
- Communication and Civil Society (V). The transformations of Civil Society in the Information and Knowledge Society
- Communication and Civil Society (IV). Net neutrality struggle and new movements in the digital era (II)
- Communication and Civil Society (III). John Perry Barlow: Net neutrality struggle and new movements in the digital era (I)
- Communication and Civil Society (II). Politics in the Internet age (II)
- Communication and Civil Society (I). Politics in the Internet age (I)
- 8th anniversary
- Reconsidering Teachers’ Roles (XII). Julià Minguillón: Conclusions of the UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning VIII International Seminar
- Reconsidering Teachers’ Roles (XI). Teresa Guash & Guillermo Bautista: Training new teachers for Secondary Education: trying out changes and improvements
- Reconsidering Teachers’ Roles (X). Jordi Blanch i Hughet, Jordi Moral i Ajado & Diego Haro Nieto: IOC: an Experience in Changing Roles of Teachers and Students
- Reconsidering Teachers’ Roles (IX). Ferran Ruiz Tarragó: The Usual Suspects? Teachers, Their Challenges and Development
- Reconsidering Teachers’ Roles (VIII). Ichiya Nakamura & Janak Bhimani: Enhancing the creativity of children through the use of digital video technology
- Reconsidering Teachers’ Roles (VII). Edem Adubra: Enhancing the status and professionalism of teachers in the digital age
- Reconsidering Teachers’ Roles (VI). Hanna Teräs: Using Authentic Learning and Social Media for Developing 21st Century Pedagogical Skills in Teacher Education
- Reconsidering Teachers’ Roles (V). Peter Baptist: Towards New Teaching of Mathematics – What Do We Learn from SINUS?
- Reconsidering Teachers’ Roles (IV). Yehuda Elkana & Hannes Klöpper: Higher Education Curricula, Technology and the Changing Role of the Teacher in the 21st Century
- Reconsidering Teachers’ Roles (III). Douglas Thomas: Cultivating the imagination for a world of constant change
- Reconsidering Teachers’ Roles (II). Signe Sutherland & David Pitcher: New Learning Team: Time for Creativity and Collaboration in Teacher Education
- Reconsidering Teachers’ Roles (I). Steve Wheeler: Learning and Teaching in the Digital Age
- Mobile communication and economic and social development in Latin America
- A hybrid model of direct-representative democracy
- Volunteering from home, the office or the train: online volunteering, social networking sites and smartphones
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (XII). Javier de la Cueva: Conclusions for day 2
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (XI). e-Government and e-Democracy
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (X). Right to be forgotten, data protection and privacy