Live notes at the eResearch seminar by Tíscar Lara, Mariluz Congosto and José Luis Molina entitled Análisis de redes sociales: nuevas formas de visualización del conocimiento (Social network analysis: new forms of knowledge visualization). Citilab, Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona), Spain, June 17th, 2009.
See also e-research tag.
A collaborative experience to visualize social networks
Tíscar Lara, Mariluz Congosto
Blog analysis based on journalists that have a blog, as a middle ground between pro and personal. Of special interest how is the identity built: Identity building: domain name, about section, personal photography, affiliation, etc.
The network of blogs gets complicated with other Web 2.0 services. There’s a need to manage the increasing data with a model: Barriblog.
The model is based on two axes — content affinity and intensiveness of relationship — and measures links, conversations/comments and citations, adding them up in a relationship index.
Improvements on the model: time series, how have other web 2.0 applications (e.g. Twitter) impacted on blog usage and blog networking, etc.
How to visualize?
- Content
- Time
- Maps
- Relationships
(see also: Gathering of visualization tools)
Visualizing Transnationality
José Luis Molina
How can we map transnationality? Focusing on flows; focusing on active contacts with people with the same origin; focusing in the geographical distribution of all active contacts.
For instance, a visualization of Chinese immigration in the Barcelona metropolitan area shows that there’s more relationship with the country of origin (China) or the US, than within immigrants; that immigrants mainly settle in Barcelona and have poor relationship with Catalan rural areas; and that within Barcelona, they move around relatively few places. Visualization allows immediate glance to these facts while raw data does not.
Many ethical issues arise in an ether that covers all
, where everything we do is registered/tracked.
Use visualization to make better research questions, to get qualitative observations after quantitative data.
NOTE: difficult session where to take notes, as everything was so… visual.
e-Research: opportunities and challenges for social sciences (2009)
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2009) “Social network analysis: new forms of knowledge visualization” In ICTlogy,
#69, June 2009. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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