Access to knowledge and digital divide

Andalucía Compromiso Digital is a volunteering project to foster the use of Information and Communication technologies amongst the Andalusian citizenship, hence, an ICT volunteering project.

On March 27 to 29, 2009, the first Encuentro Andaluz de Voluntariado Digital (Andalusian Conference on ICT Volunteering) will take place in Jaén (Spain) to reflect about the past and draw applied strategies for the future.

I have been asked to make a speech about the impact of the Network Society in our daily lives, especially in everything related to access to knowledge and how this fact determines participation and engagement. I am to frame two following speeches by Juan Sebastián Fernández Prados on volunteering in the Network Society, and Pilar Jericó on personal skills for volunteers to network with people in risk of e-exclusion, thus why I’m standing on a quite theoretical level.

My speech has two main parts:

  1. A first part on development, network society and the different natures of the digital divide.
  2. And a second part on the role of knowledge and digital literacy in determining e-inclusion and, most important, social exclusion.

More information


I want to thank Isabel Díaz for her kind invitation and Antonio “Nono” Pérez for just making it possible.


If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2009) “Access to knowledge and digital divide” In ICTlogy, #66, March 2009. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
Retrieved month dd, yyyy from

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4 Comments to “Access to knowledge and digital divide” »

  1. Muy agradecido por aceptar nuestra invitación y el esfuerzo que haces por venir y darnos a conocer.

  2. Hola.

    Estuve presente en la capacitación y la tuya fue una de las presentaciones que más me gustó. La agregué a uno de mis posts y espero leer lo que tienes aquí, me interesa bastante.

    Saludos desde Colombia

  3. Nono, Hiperterminal, gracias a los comentarios.

    La presentación que hay aquí y presentaré el sábado ha quedado algo teórica: la explicación es que después de mí vienen dos totalmente prácticas/aplicadas. Espero que la combinación de las tres cumpla con su cometido :)

  4. Pingback: De Biblioteca virtual a Biblioteca 2.0 // TIC para Educación | Nomono

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