For the fourth time — see here some notes about last year’s congress — at the School of Law and Political Science, Open University of Catalonia, we organize our Internet, Law and Politics Congress, this year’s tagline quite an appealing one: Social Software and Web 2.0: Legal and Political Implications.
Programme (abridged)
Monday, 2 June 2008
- Living Apart Together: Social Networking in the Free World. Eben Moglen. Professor of Law and Legal History, Columbia University Law School, and Chairman, Software Freedom Law Center, New York.
- Regulation of audiovisual content in the age of digital convergence. Mónica Ariño, Joan Barata
- Content on the internet: regulation or self-regulation?. Gonzalo Díe, Mónica Ariño, Amadeu Abril, Miguel Pérez Subías, Raquel Xalabarder.
- Electronic public services: e-government 2.0 The Regulation of E-Government 2.0. Speaker: Lorenzo Cotino, Agustí Cerrillo. Professor of Administrative Law, UOC.
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
- Government on the Web. Helen Margetts
- Public opinion and participation on the internet: blogs and political parties. Lourdes Muñoz, Carles Campuzano, Roc Fages.
- Electoral strategies on the internet The experience of the 2008 Spanish General Elections. José Rodríguez, Xavier Peytibí, Albert Padró-Solanet, Rosa Borge.
- Towards citizenship 2.0?. Helen Margetts, David Osimo, Joan Subirats, Ana Sofía Cardenal, Eduard Aibar.
More information
- 2-3 June 2008
- Venue: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Av. Tibidabo 39-43, Barcelona
- Registration is free
- Official Website
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