It is beyond question that development and education are tightly bound one to each other. And if Information and Communication Technologies are quickly becoming an important vector for development too, having the three concepts under the same roof — Development, Education and ICTs — really does make a lot of sense.
This is what the Association for Learning Technology (you can call it ALT) is planning to do on September 2008 at the ALT-C 2008: Rethinking the digital divide International Conference.
The event is having eight dimensions:
- global or local;
- institutional or individual;
- pedagogy or technology;
- access or exclusion;
- open or proprietary;
- private or public;
- for the learner or by the learner;
- or other aspects of the digital divide.
On the other hand, I have been honored to be admitted in the Conference Committee. Among other things this means I’ll be in Birmingham next April 15th and 16th, 2008. Whoever interested in meeting there, or in London, around these dates, let me know.
More information
- Dates: 9 to 11 September 2008
- Venue: University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom.
- Call for papers deadline: 29 February 2008
- Conference Website
- Info on paper submission
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2007) “ALT-C 2008: Rethinking the digital divide” In ICTlogy,
#51, December 2007. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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