Spanish National Volunteering Plan

The III Spanish National Volunteering Plan, for years 2005 to 2009, is born.

Everybody’s congratulating each other because the plan is the result of a huge consensus among the Administration and NGOs. My sincere kudos :)

But my personal bias focus on two other things (bolds are mine):

From Strategic Line #3 to strengthen volunteering in different communities:

Support and foster new kinds of volunteering in the heart of organizations, such as online volunteering.

From Strategic Line #4 to support technically and financially the organizational and functional modenization of the Third Sector:

Enlargement of online training supply addressed to NGO participants, spreading and normalizing the access to this educational methodology.

Yes, this is really really good news. From strategic plans arise yearly director plans that decide on real policies, budgets, projects :)


If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2005) “Spanish National Volunteering Plan” In ICTlogy, #24, September 2005. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
Retrieved month dd, yyyy from

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3 Comments to “Spanish National Volunteering Plan” »

  1. Pingback: ICTlogy » Fundación Bip-Bip: Report about the use of ICTs in NGOs

  2. Ismael,

    Do you know if an english version of this document is available?



  3. I’m sorry I don’t… and I guess it does not exist, being, as it is, an official document by the Spanish Government.

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