Africa Learning Channel at First Voice International

Thanks Laurent for the hint :)

Africa Learning Channel, at First Voice International is a good example on what I call “content and service driven ICT”.

You have here a (good) graphic explanation (PDF, 56Kb). In fact it is quite simple: digitalize content and upload it so it can be accessible to much more places than by using usual broadcasting means.

Nothing new under the sun? Maybe. But content was not there and now it is. And better: digitalized content is so specifically thought for educational purposes and so specifically thought for the target it wants to reach that I don’t doubt it is having a very deep impact (as facts and figures seem to show).

I really love these experiences :)


If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2004) “Africa Learning Channel at First Voice International” In ICTlogy, #6, March 2004. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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