On 12/03/2003, Wednesday, I will be speaking at the III Seminar on 4th world and social exclusion [site in Catalan]
I’m having fun preparing my speech as I won’t recycle some other speech but do it brand new. I’m planning something under the title of “Bringing the voice back to the main actors: ICT appropriation by the civil society experiences or the social impact of ICT”
Though I’m just setting up a little abstract and a draft table of contents, I guess it’ll be that way (unsorted, undebugged ;)
Introduction on the internet: no boundaries of time nor space
Experiences: a concept, an example, a site
- The web as a communication media (the web editorial process)
- Groups and discussion lists (the working web)
- The campaigns
- Blogs
- Wikis
- Free software
- Free content
- The intranet (the closed web)
- E-learning
- E-volunteering
The whole seminar goes like this:
Longlife Education permanent and social participation
M. Mar Galceran, pedagogue
Democracy innovation and citizenship participation
Joan Font, Political Science professor (UAB)
Social impact of ICT
Ismael Peña, manager of the Campus for Peace (UOC)
Round table of experiences: Digital literacy
Mr. Antonio Collado, Mithra
Mrs. Olivia Ortega, Punt Omnia. CPSFP
Mr. Miguel Prieto, Cibercast. Ajuntament de Castelldefels. GATS
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2003) “III Seminar on 4th world and social exclusion” In ICTlogy,
#2, November 2003. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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