Setting up…

See if I can track down what I’ve been doing so far in my way to blog me in the Net. It looks easy now that it’s done, but, as far as I can remember, it was not a few days ago, when all I knew about blogs was their existance.

So. First thing I did was some field work in order to know the best option. First choose was:

  • remote blog
  • install my own blog somewhere

I choosed last one.

Next step, was wich one might I choose. Following some (I guess) good advices the prize went to WordPress, now running version 0.72 (btw, thanks a lot to Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little, whom I might never know personally but feel I’m in some kind of debt with them).

After downloading and unzipping I uploaded all the stuff in a free hosting service, You can see a little advertisement at the end of each page. Run install and, hop! ICTlogy was born.

Nevertheless, mmm, this advertisement thing and my will to get things done properly (i.e. domain of my own, e-mail adresses according to same domain, etc.) are making me think of buying and rent some pro hosting service. Lotta offers, thousands of them! I’ll see and try, whose Pack Plus seems to fit all my needs (domain management, php, mysql) at the lowest rate.

Keep informing.


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