Dynamic Transparency Index

From ICT4D Wiki

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Dyntra ivzw pursues the following purposes:

Promotion of Transparency in the area of municipal, regional and central government; in the different Public Administrations and in the rest of the civil society as a transforming value of society.

The promotion of the values and principles of open government at all institutional levels of the State, public and private organizations, international organizations, and the third sector.

Generation of a solid democratic framework based on the values of Open Government.

Generation of a solid sociopolitical framework for the development and implementation of a true, participatory democracy through the promotion and protection of the right of every person to participate in public affairs

Dyntra publishes several transparency indices and rankings depending on the nature of the administration to be analysed. For regions, it includes:

  • Institutional transparency
  • Access to information and active publicity
  • Citizen participation and collaboration
  • Economical and financial transparency
  • Public procurement
  • Urban planning and public works