By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 28 July 2007
Main categories: Information Society, Meetings, Participation, Engagement, Use, Activism
Other tags: sdp2007
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Unsorted, non-elaborated ideas that showed up on the last session:
OII SDP 2007 Reloaded
Organizing a conference on the previous days of the next edition of the SDP. During this year there’ll be a call for papers & review. This should be extended to the whole pool of SDP students since 2003. A journal or proceedings book would be a good output of the whole work. Seminars and workshops could wrap up the conference. Organizing committee: Vero, María, Karoline, Karen, Alla, Chintan, Daithí, Ismael
The idea of this event is:
a) first, to put together a call for papers (works in progress) to get a nice
feedback about the big (and small) questions that were put on the table in the
course of these last two weeks.
b) Second, this event would take the format of a working conference/workshop,
and invite faculty to comment and discuss ont eh work. In addition, we could
have a keynote speaker or two.
c) Tentative dates could be somewhere between May-June 2008. Ideally, the event
would take place in the OII.
d) In the spirit of having an open intellectual debate and collaboration, we’ll
open the call for papers to fellow OII SDP students from past years.
Led by Veronica Alfaro and María Gómez
Conference on the History of the Internet
Title proposal: From Whence to Whither: Intellectual Property, the Internet and what the Past has to offer the Digital Age. A Commemorative Conference in 2008
Led by Ben Peters
Links brainstorm
- Association of Internet Researchers (mailing list, conference)
- H-Net
- FastWeb
- The Web Experiment List
- Tools for Internet-based data collection
- ecourses demo
- The Personal Research Portal
- Robert Tynes (2007). “Nation-building and the diaspora on Leonenet: a case of Sierra Leone in cyberspace”. In New Media & Society;9 497-518
- Hearn, G., & Foth, M. (Eds.). (2007). Communicative Ecologies. Special issue of the Electronic Journal of Communication, 17(1-2). New York: Communication Institute for Online Scholarship (CIOS).
- The Passageways of Paris: Walter Benjamin’s Arcades Project and Contemporary Cultural Debate in the West, by Christopher Rollason
- Announcing Skim: Stop printing – Start Skimming, by Michael O McCracken
- Brian Fitzgerald (2007) Internet and e-Commerce Law – Technology, Law and Policy
- Jealous Computers
- British & Irish Law, Education and Technology Association (BILETA)
- Socio-Legal Studies Association
- Computers and Writing 2007. Virtual Urbanism
- Computers and Writing Clearinghouse
- Computers and Composition
- Kairos
- Ethan Zuckerman: History of the Internet
- Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?
- Discovery Park Learning Center and Games-to-Teach Competition
- iYomu
- That? Oh, that’s the collapsing infrastructure wake-up call; just hit snooze
Credit of the brainstorm goes to all the participants of the course, students and faculty.
SDP 2007 related posts (2007)
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 26 July 2007
Main categories: Connectivity, Cyberlaw, governance, rights, Hardware, Meetings
Other tags: sdp2007
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In a highly abstracted conceptualization, both the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and the Internet consist of two components: the end-devices and the network that connects them. Traditional telecommunications regulation has assumed the presence of a network core that could be engineered to fulfill regulatory goals as well as a vertically-integrated industry structure that could meet regulatory obligations. In my dissertation, I propose to take the case of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), the technology that enables voice communications over the Internet, and argue that disruptive trends in technology are eroding the control in the core that was traditionally possessed by network designers and owners. This eroding control in the core has the potential to render the current VoIP regulation inadequate and unsustainable, requiring that future regulatory response be discontinuous from that of the past. This study uses a system dynamics model to study the dynamic complexity surrounding the current VoIP regulation and to understand policy options for preventing undesirable outcomes. The model consists of four sectors: the consumer adoption sector for modeling demand, the industry structure sector for modeling supply, the regulatory compliance sector for modeling the level of compliance, and the innovation sector for modeling innovation trends.
Current regulatory response to VoIP (goals)
- Public Safety
- Law Enforcement Capability
- Equal opportunity
- Economic Development
- Competition
Of those five traditional aspects, just the two first are really developed. Disruptive trends such as VoIP erode assumed control in the core. With eroding control in the core meeting regulatory objetives will increasingly require regulatory responses discontinous from the past.
The functionality is dispersing to the end-deivde,k at the ownership of the Core (who’s in charge of guaranteeing the procedure of the communication) is fragmenting.
The End of Core can cause
- Regulatory misalignment, and thus
- Inefficiency in achieving regulatory compliance
- Regulatory capture by new players
- And may require discontinuing access-centric regulatory thinking… and understanding the value chain
- Circum-innovation, and thus
- arms race between proponents of compliance and non-compliance
- And may require discontinuing command-and-control regulatory thinking… and understanding a collaborative model of regulation
System Dynamics Model: when a desired regulatory compliance takes place, circumvention actinos seem to wider the existing compliance gap. How to control the whole system?
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SDP 2007 related posts (2007)
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 26 July 2007
Main categories: Cyberlaw, governance, rights, Meetings
Other tags: sdp2007
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In this seminar, I discuss my ongoing research topic on how media/brodcasting law is changed – or changes – in relation to new, Internet-based media. While this is not a new issue for scholars of the media or freedom of expression, the current ‘transition period’ is certainly a fertile one for the researcher. Acknowledging the range of recent publications and studies dealing with the US, I focus on the treatment of new media in Canada and the European Union. In this presentation, the relevant legislation, regulations and proposals for reform are discussed, and a range of theoretical approaches are highlighted; I touch on the role of technological determinism in the reformers’ strategies, and note my ongoing engagement with the work of Harold Innis and its relevance to contemporary debates. I conclude with some general observations and questions on the challenges presented by this particular project.
- Audiovisual Media Services directive
- Telecoms
- Media Pluralism
…vs. Canada
- New Media Exemption order
- Future Environment report
- Mobile exemption oder
- Diversity of voices
Harold Innis
- time-binding and space-binding
- the bias of communication
- monopolies of knowledge
- Toronto School
- Intellectual father of Marshall McLuhan
Role of Technological Determinism in Law Reform
- The influence/prevalence of technological determinism in the reform process
- Analyse or criticise?
- How much detail?
- How much to explain?
- Content Analysis or Narrative?
Technological neutrality
- No “discrimination” between technologies
- Regulate services not technologies
- Canada: “section 3 mandate”
- Net neutrality — danger!
- “Non-Media-Law” regulation
- Debate at WSIS
My reflections
- I wonder whether, besides the geographical axis, a temporal axis could be added so other historic technology regulation shifts could be brought into the analysis, such as the changes the radio or the television implied for Law. Daithí Mac Síthigh states that it then becomes a problem of scope. Besides this, the shift we’re experiencing is richest enough to be analyzed on its own.
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SDP 2007 related posts (2007)
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 26 July 2007
Main categories: Cyberlaw, governance, rights, Meetings
Other tags: sdp2007
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Solutions to crisis to actual business model
- Strengthening copyrights
- Strengthening technologycal control
- Alternative compensation system
My reflections
- While the technological solution behind Fisher’s model (2004), at a retailer/private level (i.e. Noank), is quite compelling, the concept itself looks exactly like the Spanish model (1941), the difference being that this sort of a gone-techie Spanish model regards only and exclusively the diffusion of digital content.
- I don’t think that Fisher’s model at a State level (just exactly as the Spanish one, where it is hugely critizised), basing on income taxation, is Pareto Superior but, on the contrary, clearly harms the welfare of some citizens that would be willing to pay for e.g. some kind of music but not for another one, being the possibility that the taxes associated to this last kind of music consumption (plus the sort of music I like) were far higher than the will to pay for music.
- If based on the devices and services, some other experiences (e.g. the canon in Spain) clearly show that it’s Pareto inferior by large, as it taxes lots of people not using those devices for the purposes that caused the taxation (e.g. CDs to store one’s data backups and not music)
- Digital fingerprints have, in fact, some privacy issues, as they can be correlated with IPs
- Rights management agencies (at least in Spain) act somehow like this and they really struggle to make significative estimates of culture consumption. Actually, there’s the danger taht marginal artists are underrepresented.
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SDP 2007 related posts (2007)
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 26 July 2007
Main categories: Cyberlaw, governance, rights, Meetings, Open Access
Other tags: sdp2007
We don’t know who uses Wikipedia, we don’t know what values does it vindicates
How do people actually use/abuse it?
- many kids use it without participating/understanding; are kids plagiarizing
- how easy is to become a Wikipedian: try participating earnestly; experiment with particular forms, like deleting articles; concerns about “going native”
Is wikipedia egalitarian?
- who is participating, excluded
- control of code – control of content
- abuse of those who give freely?
Does peer production make us into the Borg?
- effects of lack of singular authorship
Is Wikipedia accurate?
- citing Wikipedia as a source
Why did not Academia came up with Wikipedia? Is Academia losing the sense of what’s important? And what’s important right now? Maybe the health of the Network is an issue that should be urgently addressed (disclaimer: I fully agree, but it’s Jonathan Zittrain who says this at the gates of the publication of his next book The Future of the Internet – and How to Stop It ;)
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SDP 2007 related posts (2007)
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 26 July 2007
Main categories: Knowledge Management, Meetings, Open Access
Other tags: sdp2007
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Quick, brief introductions to tools used by researchers in the management of their… uh, life?
Free software bibliographic manager. Allows both management of bibliographies and publication on the net (RSS feed included)
File manager. Mostly for PDFs you can tag. Mac version only.
Social networking. Really effective as based on degrees of separation”
To manage one’s trips. Export to calendar by iCal. Shows who else is going to be in that place.
User centered identity. Avoid inconsistent identities over different websites.
Text analysis. Frequencies of words, information about the text.
Data mapper.
Social bookmarking
Social bookmarking. You can have groups
SDP 2007 related posts (2007)