By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 05 September 2007
Main categories: Meetings, Participation, Engagement, Use, Activism
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The Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 is taking place at the University of York, organized by the Social Informatics Research Unit. Here come my notes.
Keynote Speech: Bernie Hogan
Capturing Online Social Networks: Techniques, Insights and Challenges
Network Analysis
Importance of network analysis. How to tell who’s the most connected, who’s connected to who and how
- Degree: number of links
- Betweenness: shortest paths
- PageRank: links to high degree
- Positions: blockmodelling
Networks can be made up of subgroups/subnetworks, even multiple spare networks somehow connected one to each other by a common node that just bridges them.
Personal Networks
- Comparative
- For sampling large networks
- Often regression-based
- Visualizations of networks rarely show person
Network Analysis Tools
- Scraping: Python, Perl, PHP, Java (JUNG)
- Cleaning: same as before + databases
- Analyzing: UClnet, Pajek, JUNG, Egotistics
- Visualizing: NetDraw, Pajek, Guess
Social Bookmarking
Social news: people will filter news for each other. Slashdot, reddit, Digg. Based on collaborative work/research and ways of voting the news/user.
Distribution of stories made popular in Digg: power curve, but really steep.
Limits of Social Networks
- What’s a friend?
- Multiplexity
- Time
- Convenience
- Entity resolution
Comments from the audience
This social networks are kind of a popularity contest
- Where’s the threshold that separates being in the network and being outside of it (in terms of traffic, contributions, etc.)? Ain’t we, in some way, acknowledging… trashholding and not real participation in the network?
More Info
- Hogan, B. (2007) Using Information Networks to Study Social Behavior. In IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. 30(2). Pp.6-14
- Hogan, B. (forthcoming) Analyzing Social Networks Via the Internet. In Fielding, N., Lee, R. and Blank, G. Sage Handbook of Online Research Methods
- Egotistic, via Knowbie’s Weblog, by Maria Chiara Pettenati
Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 related posts (2007)
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 31 August 2007
Main categories: Digital Literacy, e-Government, e-Administration, Politics, ICT4D, Meetings, Participation, Engagement, Use, Activism
Other tags: ict4d_symposium_2007
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Akeh Lucas Kunen & Zigo Morfaw Damien
E-Health Africa: Overcoming the Barriers to its Implementation. A case study of Sub Sahara Africa
Intend to identify the barriers to e-Health implementation in sub-saharan Africa and see how can these barriers be overcome.
- Political barriers
- Economic barriers
- Socio-cultural factors
- Technical barriers
Solutions to Political barriers
- Leadership
- Leadership
- Leadership
Solutions to Economic barriers
- Infrastructure development
- Poverty alleviation
- Assistance from donor organizations
Solutions to Socio-Cultural barriers
- Education
- Digital divide
- Use of ICTs in public institutions
My Comments
- During the debate, issues arise about citizenship awareness (on e-Health) and overriding (corrupt) governments, which reminds me of some good hints Francisco Lupiáñez about ICTs and e-Health in some cases not empowering but disempowering people, e.g. the distrust on online information about Health in general thus strengthening the link/dependence physicist-patient. Thus, overriding governments with the required awareness might by a tricky issue.
Marije Geldof
ICT for low-literate youth in Ethiopia: the usability challenge
The instruments of literacy create a demand for literacy
Explore current role & future opportunities of ICTs in the live of low-literate (limited reading and writing skills) youth (1o to 20 y.o.) in Africa
Methodological challenges
- Sampling
- Phrasing questions
- Visual representations
- Answering behaviour
- Translation
- Research setting
Preliminary results
- Divide urban and rural
- Gender differences
- Main ICT use: communication long distance; information about country
- Mobile phone popular
- Technology for the educated only
- English necessary for using ICT
- Reading and writing for education, letters, obtaining knowledge, job perspectives
- Impact video
- Imitating
- Low sustainability
Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (2007)
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 31 August 2007
Main categories: e-Readiness, ICT4D, Meetings
Other tags: ict4d_symposium_2007
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Andrea Burris
Creativity in the Information Economy: China Case Study
Andrea begins her session with an introduction to Economics fundamentals: relative advantage, surplus, etc. The question being: in the Information Society, how does surplus, the production function, etc. have changed respect to agricultural and industrial economies?
Technological change shifts the production function (see reference to Max H. Boisot at the end), but also makes that the level of chaos, that evolved from an “ordered” regime, through a complex regime, to a chaotic regime, drops back to an ordered regime again. The difference being that, normally, analyzes focuses on changes on end products and not on changes on processes.
Creativity is about going beyond the established frontiers of the actual technology/possibilities, about pushing the limits.
Mikko Vesisenaho
Developing contextual higher level introductory ICT education in Tanzania
Local vs. global approach to education moving further and further away from one another. Need for more contextualization. Efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability situated in relation to dimensions of contextual relevance and standardized performance.
Research questions
- What kind of framework is feasible for understanding ICT transfer in developing country like Tanzania?
- How was contextualization taken into account into the Contextualized Programming?
- What were the meaningful contextual outcomes of the Contextualized Programming?
David Hollow
Assessing Education and ICTs
Highest importance of evaluating projects: if we do not carry on any impact assessment, are we making any difference at all?
What to focus in an assessment?
- indicators
- baselines
- relationships
Educational levels
- Bloom: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation
- Anderson: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, creating
And we usually evaluate at the first level, at the knowledge/remembering levels, instead of evaluating e.g. creating
My comments
- David talks about what and how we can assess but I wonder whether the where the assessment takes place is also relevant: (only) in the classroom? also assessing the students output i.e. the portfolio? under a “digital natives” train of though, also their digital identities and creation (e.g. uploads to MySpace, YouTube, Flickr, and so.)?
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Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (2007)
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 31 August 2007
Main categories: ICT4D, Meetings, Participation, Engagement, Use, Activism
Other tags: ict4d_symposium_2007
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Kaire Holts
ICT4D Best practice transfer
Look@World project in Estonia
- Public Internet Access Points
- Equipment
- Training
How to collect best practices? Universal kwnoledge, transferable core vs. specific country knowledge/context. How can we extract the universal, transferable part of the best practice?
- How to collect and “conserve” the best practices?
- How to extract the country specific aspect?
- How to manage the knowledge Institutionalisation?
- Methodologies, approaches?
Uduak Okon
ICTs and Sustainable Communities Development. The case of the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
How ICTs may contribute to the sustainable development of communities in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria.
Incorporate Ethnography into the Participatory (Action) Research framework
Engage in a dialog between the researcher and the target population of the research, sharing findings, reshape theoretical models, test them back again with the target group, etc.
My commntents
- Stress/focus in the “communicational sphere” and not in the whole “devolpment” sphere. Uduak agrees and states that, in fact, she is already focusing in the social part, letting aside the economy, etc.
- What is “sustainable”?
- Match categories of findings with corresponding categories of “ICT solutions”
- Bring inside the methodology Web 2.0 applications as perfect companions to build community (i.e. social software) and their quite low power demanding needs
Gudrun Wicander
SIF — the Sustainability ICT Framework — and beyond
3 dimensions: resource, space, time
5 capital: human, social , physical, financial, material
Include institutional and political capital into the 5 capital model, to focus on Public Financial Management. Then use the extended SIF as an analytical tool applied to Tanzania in the administration of primary education andor tracing funds to rural schools.
Research questions
- Attitudes among teachers
- Attitudes among administrators
- Mappnig of mobile…
- Mapping of information flows
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Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (2007)
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 31 August 2007
Main categories: e-Readiness, ICT4D, Meetings
Other tags: ict4d_symposium_2007, phd
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Ismael Peña-López
Unpeeling the layers of the digital divide: category thresholds and relationships within composite indices
The goal of this research is to add reflection and knowledge to the belief that there is an important lack of tools to measure the development of the Information Society, specially addressed to policy makers aiming to foster digital development. We believe there is still an unexplored point of view in measuring the Information Society which goes from inside-out instead of outside-in. In other words, the main indices and/or reports focus either in technology penetration or in the general snapshot of the Information Society “as is”. There is, notwithstanding, a third approach that would deal with working only with digital-related indicators and indices, thus including some aspects not taken into account by the technology penetration approach (i.e. informational literacy), and putting aside some “real economy” or “analogue society” indicators not strictly related to the digital paradigm. Relationships between subindices would also provide interesting insight for policy makers on which to ground the design of their initiatives.
Presentation as a mental map:
Unpeeling the layers of the digital divide
[click to enlarge]
Working bibliography
Some comments/suggestions I got:
- The importance of context when designing indices and how this context might challenge the accuracy, objectivity, suitability of these indices
- The importance, beyond infrastructures, of international services broadcasters such as BBC or Voice America
- Analyzing what the (real) goal, purpose of the indices is. How and, over all, why are they built the way they are
- The importance of not only looking at what worked (e.g. projects and policies to foster the information society), but also what has failed, what and how many are the failed projects
- The opportunity to develop different indexes according to the different countries, contexts, etc.
- context, context, context
Florence Nameere Kivunike
Measuring the Information Society: An Explorative Study of Existing Tools
Why assess the Information society
- Current status
- Comparison
- Tracking progress
- Policy, decision-making
- Research-related
- Value-judgment
What is assessed
- Social
- Economic
- Institutional
Temporal concept
- Readiness
- Intensity
- Impact
- Focusing mainly on infrastrucutre
- Relationships among features
- Limited consideration of context in terms of the enabling factors e.g. social or cultural setup and flexibility
- Oversimplified methods characterized by subjective approaches
Challenges of IS Assessment
- Dynamic and complex nature of the IS
- Data constraints especially in development countries
- Challenge of measuring transformation
More info
- Menou, M. & Taylor, R. (2006) A “Grand Challenge”: Measuring Information Societies. 22, The Information Society p 261-267
Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (2007)
By Ismael Peña-López (@ictlogist), 31 August 2007
Main categories: Education & e-Learning, ICT4D, Knowledge Management, Meetings
Other tags: ict4d_symposium_2007
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Erkki Sutinen
Can an ICT professional be trained to spark innovation? Background for a contextualized ICT undergraduate program at Tumaini University, Iringa, Tanzania
EdTechΔ research group, focusing on educational technology creation, under these premises:
- Making a difference in action
- Triangulation in research
- Multiple perspective in development
- Bidirectional partnerships
How come does our education system train professionals who can design an architecture to meet the needs written in a specification, for making existing processes more efficient, but not experts who can creatively, critically and supportingly talk with their customers and identify their real needs?
New project in the ICT undergraduate program at Tumaini University, Iringa, Tanzania, to make the students re-link their new skills and knowledge to the needs of that society where they have come from
Principles of the ICT program
- Contextualization, local problems as starting points for projects
- Practical and interdisciplinary orientation
- International recognition
- Continuous research for the program’s formative development
Which color is ICT professional’s collar when mining a problem? Is it blue? Should it be white?
ICT program in the light of ICT4D dialectics
- exogenous vs. endogenous? to culturally discover meaningful entry points to ICT, in the spectrum between practical needs and theoretical models of computaion
- top-down or bottom up? gaining ownership to emerging vs. guaranteeing access to given
- open source or proprietary software? garage mentality
- partnership or delivery? I4D, VISCoS, Knowledge Management journal, Vol 3, No 1: monographic about Stewarding technologies for collaboration, community building and knowledge sharing in development
Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (2007)