Book: Access, Empowerment & Governance: Creating a World of Equal Opportunities with ICT

Abdul Rahim, R., Siegenthaler Muinde, G. & Waldburger, D. (2005). Access, Empowerment & Governance: Creating a World of Equal Opportunities with ICT. Kuala Lumpur: Global Knowledge Partnership.
Retrieved March 07, 2006 from

Digital Inclusion | e-Government | Participation


This book argues that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can play a decisive role in both. Drawing on current research, learning and experience from concrete projects, the authors show that ICT provide an overarching enabling platform for development processes. Because of their generic and transformative power, ICT can not only contribute to the achievement of specific development objectives in areas such as health or education, but are also key enablers of sustainable human development in a more general sense.


e-Readiness Bibliography

These last months we have been working (in fact, I joined the team just some weeks ago) i a project for the XIII Cumbre Judicial Iberoamericana about the state of e-Justice in the 22 countries members of the Cumbre.

The gathering of information has been very interesting and, in fact, we’re just in the middle of our way to a final report. Nevertheless, some really cute references have arosen concerning e-Readiness, my main field in the team.

Here they come:

Harvard University. (2000). Readiness for the Networked World. A Guide for Developing Countries. Cambridge: Center for International Development at Har vard University.
Retrieved February 17, 2006 from








I found really useful Harvard University’s guide. Should not miss it.
