- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VIII). Cécile de Terwangne: Internet Privacy and the Right to Be Forgotten
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VII). Javier de la Cueva: Conclusions for day 1
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (VI). Fundamental rights, freedoms and liability on the Internet
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (V). Intellectual Property Rights on the Internet
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (IV). Net Neutrality: communications
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (III). The Net Neutrality debate: Stakeholders’ perspective
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (II). The Net Neutrality debate: The Policy Options
- 7th Internet, Law and Politics Congress (I). Christopher T. Marsden: Network Neutrality
- Microblogging as a collaborative tool in the virtual classrooms
- Striving behind the shadow: the dawn of Spanish Politics 2.0
- Web 2.0 tools for the development of professional skills
- Analyzing digital literacy with a single simple tweet
- The Network Society: rights, policies and the exercise of democracy
- From teaching institutions to learning people
- Thesis defence. Adolfo Estalella: Assemblages of hope
- Introduction to Web 2.0 for e-Participation
- Goverati and media literacy: from empowerment to governance
- The disempowering Goverati: e-Aristocrats or the Delusion of e-Democracy
- Isaac Mao: Sharism, Philosophy and New Economic Models
- The paradox of Sharism, or how a cool idea will pay my mortgage
- Citizens in a Knowledge Society: rethinking education from scratch
- Computers or vaccines? Technology, social networking sites and new citizenship
- Native Latin teacher wanted. Linking personal teaching and learning strategies on the Net
- Democracy and the power of the individual (II): afterthoughts
- Democracy and the power of the individual (I): a position paper
- Empowerment and Governance in the Information Society (II): digerati, goverati and the role of ICT4D
- Empowerment and Governance in the Information Society (I): the hourglass of information power
- ICTD2010 (XX). Donor Voices
- ICTD2010 (XIX). South to North: A fishbowl on the transferability of ICTs in income-poor countries to income-rich countries (debating applicability, methods, policies)
- ICTD2010 (XVIII). Publishing ICT4D Research
- ICTD2010 (XVII). Technology ‘Teach-In’
- ICTD2010 (XVI). Development Theory ‘Teach-In’
- ICTD2010 (XV). Gadgets
- ICTD2010 (XIV). From ICT to Impact?
- ICTD2010 (XIII). Rarer Themes in Education
- ICTD2010 (XII). Kits and Systems
- ICTD2010 (XI). Technology Sharing in Education
- ICTD2010 (X). Geoff Walsham: Development Informatics in a Changing World
- ICTD2010 (IX). Keynote Speech: Tim Berners-Lee
- ICTD2010 (VIII). Meaning and ICTD
- ICTD2010 (VII). Mobile Phones and Development
- ICTD2010 (VI). ICT and Development in Africa
- ICTD2010 (V). Decision making and accountability: citizen-centred ICT platforms?
- ICTD2010 (IV). From digital inclusion to information literacy
- ICTD2010 (III). ICTD 2.0. Peer production and development
- ICTD2010 (II). How can ICT research better inform and communicate theories of development and globalization? New challenges and promising directions
- ICTD2010 (I). Round table: the future of ICT4D research
- Posters a the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development — ICTD2010
- Heavy switchers in translearning: From formal learning to an effective use of the PLE
- Larry Cuban. Perennial dilemmas policymakers and practitioners face in the adoption and classroom use of ICT: the U.S. experience
- Personal Learning Environments: blurring the edges of formal and informal learning. An experiment with Anthologize.
- Open Educational Resources: the reality of shared knowledge
- Deconstructing the Book: The Drumbeat series as a Pliego
- Learning assessment and accreditation in the Information Society
- New learning contents and platforms
- Browsing ICT4D Authors Visually
- 7th anniversary
- From non-formal learning to casual learning
- Research Seminar. Beyond ICT access: what kind of integration for ‘connected migrants’?
- Deinstitutionalizing education
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (XIV). Julià Minguillón: Closing remarks for the Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development seminar
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (XIII). Social and Ethical Issues in Education Technologies
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (XII). John Traxler: Mobiles for Learning in Africa…. Too Good to be True?
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (XI). Magà Almirall: Learning technologies in mobile scenarios
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (X). Claudia Aparicio: Requirements and opportunities for the development of a mobile learning strategy in emergent countries
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (IX). Carolina Jeux: Analysis of the m-learning practices in Telefónica regarding its different stakeholders: Employees and Families, Customers and Society
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (VIII). John B. Stav & Gabrielle Hansen-Nygård: Promoting Interaction and Engagement in Education and Training by use of iPod/iPhone
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (VII). Matthew Kam: Mobile Phones and Language Literacy in Rural Developing Regions
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (VI). Thomas Putz: The “Mobile Game Based Learning” Project
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (V). Fernando Moreira: A Blended Mobile Learning Model-Context Oriented (BML-CO)
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (IV). Miguel Nussbaum: Integrating technology and pedagogy in the classroom
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (III). Dolors Reig: Mobile Learning in rural environments and development countries
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (II). Steve Vosloo: mLearning in Africa: Lessons from the m4Lit project
- Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development (I). Jill Attewell: Mobilising technology for learning — lessons from MoLeNET
- UOC Tech Talks. Eduardo Manchón: Social Networks and Innovation
- Announcement: UNESCO Chair in e-Learning VII International Seminar: Mobile Technologies for Learning and Development
- Fostering ICTs: reasons why and reasons to doubt
- Francesc Pedró: Between Conservatism and Messianism: Is Technology Really Changing Student Expectations in Higher Education?
- Internet, Politics, Policy (VIII). Viktor Mayer-Schönberger: Delete. The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age
- Internet, Politics, Policy (VII). Internet Governance (II)
- Internet, Politics, Policy (VI). Digital Divides
- Internet, Politics, Policy (V). Campaigning: UK2010 Election
- Internet, Politics, Policy (IV). Comparative Campaigning (I)
- Internet, Politics, Policy (III). Participation in Politics and Policy-making
- Internet, Politics, Policy (II). Political Participation and Petitioning
- Internet, Politics, Policy (I). Arthur Lupia: An impact Assessment
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (XVI). Matti Tedre: In Search of the Elusive ICT4D
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (XV). Networks
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (XIV). Entrepreneurship and management
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (XIII). e-Health
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (XII). Lucas Pardo: netWORKS
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (XI). ICT in Education (II)
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (X). ICT in Education (I)
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (IX). Vanessa FrÃas-Martinez: Telco Industry Research in ICTD: Telefónica R&D, mobiles and development
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VIII). e-Government
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VII). Javier Simó: Observing the EHAS-URJC case: symbiosis among ICT4D projects, research and postgraduate teaching
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (VI). Online Communities
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (V). Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol: Practical research: mobile telephony and development
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (IV). Rural Communities
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (III). e-Agriculture
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (II). Gender
- Fifth Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (I). Tim Unwin: Impact Assessment
- Horizon Report: Ibero-American Edition 2010
- The Workings of a Personal Learning Environment (III): the institutional fit
- The Workings of a Personal Learning Environment (II): the information workflow
- The Workings of a Personal Learning Environment (I): the infrastructure
- Mapping the PLE-sphere
- PLEs and Workplace
- PLE Conference 2010 – Ismael Peña-López Interview
- The Dichotomies in Personal Learning Environments and Institutions
- #talkingabout: Jordi Adell and Ismael Peña-López on Personal Learning Environments
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (VIII). Citizen Participation in the Cloud
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (VII). Cyber-crime prosecution
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (VI). From Electronic Administration to Cloud Administration
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (V). Karin Deutsch Karlekar: The State of Freedom on the Net
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (IV). Cloud Computing: A New Dimension in Teleworking?
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (III). Key Legal Aspects for Putting your Business in the Cloud
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (II). Pau Garcia-Milà : Myths and Realities of Cloud Computing
- 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference (I). Ronald Leenes: Privacy in the Cloud, a Misty Topic?
- Baumol in the classrooom or the industrialization of education
- Interview: Introducing the HIPLE: Hybrid Institutional-Personal Learning Environment
- Workshop on youth participation in youth policies. Monograph on ICTs (II): Tools, applications and cases
- Workshop on youth participation in youth policies. Monograph on ICTs (I): Challenges and opportunities
- The Hybrid Institutional-Personal Learning Environment (HIPLE) into practice: an example with Twitter
- Introducing the Hybrid Institutional-Personal Learning Environment (HIPLE)
- Anouncement: 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference on Cloud Computing
- Enrico Carloni: e-Administration and Transparency: the diffusion of public information on the Internet
- IPID ICT4D Posgraduate Conference 2010: Call for communications
- Social networking sites: a window to the community
- ICT4HD. Round Table. What is the role of private companies on Research in ICT4D?
- ICT4HD. Eric Brewer: Contributions of Technical Research on ICT4D
- ICT4HD. Ramon Roca: Success Case of Participative Communications Networks
- ICT4HD. Christopher Westrup: Contribution of Social Research on ICT4D
- ICT4HD. Ermanno Pietrosémoli: The ICTP-UNESCO Wireless Training Kit
- ICT4HD. ValentÃn Villarroel: Conclusions of the first day
- ICT4HD. Experiences in Research on ICT4D within the Master Telecommunication Networks for Developing Countries
- ICT4HD. Ismael Peña-López: The role of governments in promoting the Information Society for reducing the Digital Divide
- ICT4HD. Round Table. What is the role of Latin America on Research on ICT4D?
- ICT4HD. Round Table. Research for Development. Where is it heading in the ICT context?
- Research in ICT4D: the convergence of social sciences and technology
- EDem interview: 5 Words to eDemocracy
- PEP-NET interview on the Goverati
- EDem10. e-Democracy
- EDem10. Social Networking Tools supporting constructive Involvement throughout the Policy-Cycle
- EDem10. Transparency & Governance
- EDem10. Stevan Harnad: Open Access to Research: Changing Researcher Behavior through University and Funder Mandates
- EDem10. Micah L. Sifry: The Promise and Contradictions of E-Democracy, Obama Style
- EDem10: Momentum Project
- EDem10: Network Society
- EDem10: e-Democracy and Open Government
- EDem10: Ismael Peña-López. Goverati: e-Aristocrats or the delusion of e-Democracy
- EDem10: Andy Williamson. Disruption and Empowerment: Embedding Citizens at the Heart of Democracy
- e-Readiness and measuring the Information Society 101
- Searching information on the Internet: legal implications
- The micro and macro approaches of ICTs in Education
- Funnelling concepts in Education 2.0: PLE, e-Portfolio, Open Social Learning
- Centralization vs. decentralitacion in Government and Education
- Open Data and Social Media Government
- ITU, Measuring the Information Society 2010: the digital divide is not narrowing
- Goverati: An alternative to representative democracy?
- UOC Tech Talks. Kul Wadhwa: Online strategies and New Business Models: the Wikimedia phenomenon
- The two divides in digital access: income and refuseniks
- De-institutionalizing education
- Will the iPad pave the path towards e-Government? A comment to Andrea DiMaio
- Jordi PuiggalÃ: Citizen security in electronic environments. The case of electronic voting
- EDem10 – eDemocracy Conference 2010: announcement, CFP and speech
- A catalogue and a taxonomy of online participation tools. Request for comments.
- Bruce Bimber: Collective Action within Organizations in the Age of Digital Media
- Framing the Digital Divide in Higher Education
- refurbished: focus on the personal research portal
- A bibliography on Spanish online politics and Politics 2.0
- PEW: The Future of the Internet IV
- Predictions for Social Media in 2010
- A definition of Politics 2.0
- Cristina Lafont: Deliberative democracy: religion in the public sphere. Deliberative obligations of the democratic citizenry
- eAsia2009 (XI): Closing Session of the Telecentre Forum
- eAsia2009 (X): Empowering telecentres with appropriate content and services for the next five years
- eAsia2009 (IX): Case studies of innovative applications and practitioners of the Global Telecentre Movement
- eAsia2009 (VIII): Building capacity among telecentre operators for sustaining telecentres
- eAsia2009 (VII): New Trends and Innovations in Technology for Telecentres
- eAsia2009 (VI): Impact of mobile telephony on telecentres
- eAsia2009 (V): The Asian telecentre movement: the role of networks and their future
- eAsia2009 (IV): Current status and future of global lecentre movement
- eAsia2009 (III): Telecentres and their role in socio-economic empowerment
- eAsia2009 (II): Plenary Session, Track 2, pt.2
- eAsia2009 (I): Plenary Session, Track 2, pt.1
- Inclusion in the Network Society: the role of telecentres
- Pekka Himanen: The Hacker Ethic: The Way Forward after the Current Global Economic Crisis
- Three approaches of ICTs in development and an alert on leapfrogging
- Digital Divide and Social Inclusion (VII): Education for the Knowledge Society through Social Inclusion
- Digital Divide and Social Inclusion (VI): Information and technology in the Health system: Initiatives and good practices
- Digital Divide and Social Inclusion (V): Knowledge management and ICT in Health
- Digital Divide and Social Inclusion (IV): Trends and advances before the digital divide: assessment systems and good practices
- Digital Divide and Social Inclusion (III): Organizations and institutions before the digital divide: model development and good practices
- Digital Divide and Social Inclusion (II): Web 2.0 Applications and Access to ICTs in Information Systems
- Digital Divide and Social Inclusion (I): Social Impact of Technologies
- II Conferencia Internacional Brecha Digital e Inclusión Social
- Public Internet Access Points: impact vs. sustainability
- Book: Difusión cientÃfica y las iniciativas de Acceso Abierto
- 6th anniversary