Sobre Mí

Ismael Peña-López

Soy Ismael Peña-López.

Soy Director de la Escuela de Administración Pública de Catalunya.

He sido Director General de Participación Ciudadana y Procesos Electorales en la Generalitat de Catalunya (2018-2021) y profesor de los Estudios de Derecho y de Ciencia Política de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (2005-2018).
He sido también investigador senior en Open Evidence y director fellow de Innovación Abierta de la Fundació Jaume Bofill.

Mis principales ámbitos de trabajo son el impacto de las TIC en la sociedad (e-Readiness, brecha digital), especialmente en el desarrollo (e-Inclusión, ICT4D) y las instituciones educativas (e-Learning, competencia digital) y políticas (e-participación, e-democracia).

ICT4D Blog


Managing complexity for systemic impact: responses to VUCA and BANI environments

In recent decades, the acronyms VUCA and, more recently, BANI have become popular to describe the environments in which we live and work. But, beyond describing the situation or environment as VUCA or BANI, can we do anything about it? How can we change our way of managing projects or promoting impactful public policies? We have compiled below a set of emerging methodologies that allow us to move from theory to practice, from fear to action.

Table of contents

New environments: VUCA & BANI


VUCA appears with the end of the Cold War, with globalization, with the digital revolution, with the financialization of the Economy. Adapting theories on leadership from Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus, it proposes that we increasingly operate in environments:

  • Volatile: the dynamics of change are accelerated and the stages of the situations are short-lived;
  • Uncertain: it is increasingly difficult to predict the future (and science ...

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