Revi Sterling, Heather Underwood
Technology ‘Teach-In’
Weigel and Waldurger (2004)
Unwin (2008)
Three possible classifications that should help in choosing the appropriate technology:
- Hi vs. low cost of access.
- Individual use vs. communal use.
- Ease or difficulty of use.
What are you trying to do? Who are you trying to reach? What are your limitations? What is the community baseline? What is acceptable to the community? What is legal? What is already there? What are the climate conditions like?
(The session included a simulation role-game where different scenarios were presented and there was a discussion on how the different needs could be approached with the appropriate technology… or without it).
More information
Weigel, G. & Waldburger, D. (Eds.) (2004). ICT4D – Connecting People For A Better World. Lessons, Innovations and Perspectives of Information and Communication Technologies in Development.
Unwin, T. (Ed.) (2009). ICT4D: Information and Communication Technology for Development.
Information and Communication Technologies and Development (2010)
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2010) “ICTD2010 (XVII). Technology ‘Teach-In’” In ICTlogy,
#87, December 2010. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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