Notes from the EDem10 — 4th International Conference on eDemocracy 2010, at the Danube-University Krems, and held in Krems, Austria, on May 6th and 7th, 2010. More notes on this event: edem10.
Workshop: Social Networking Tools supporting constructive Involvement throughout the Policy-Cycle
The Policy-cycle is a simplified, ideal-type model of policy processes. It is useful to structure and systematise the complex, though in real-world policy-making does not follow clear-cut stages and chronological sequences:
- Problem definition;
- agenda setting;
- policy development;
- implementation;
- policy evaluation.
Most e-Participation initiatives focus on the first two stages, while other stages are largely ignored. Notwithstanding, we do not have to underestimate these first stages or the power of “non-decisions”: indeed, many projects went on or were prevented to evolve in these precise two stages. Indeed, agenda setting is but another way to decide what is to be dealt with and, hence, what is to be decided in the latter stages.
[interesting debate difficult to catch on these notes]
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EDEm10 - 4th International Conference on eDemocracy (2010)
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2010) “EDem10. Social Networking Tools supporting constructive Involvement throughout the Policy-Cycle” In ICTlogy,
#80, May 2010. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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