Notes from the EDem10 — 4th International Conference on eDemocracy 2010, at the Danube-University Krems, and held in Krems, Austria, on May 6th and 7th, 2010. More notes on this event: edem10.
Goverati: e-Aristocrats or the delusion of e-Democracy
Ismael Peña-López, Open University of Catalonia
Slides for my presentation:
- Bigliography
- Goverati: e-Aristocrats or the delusion of e-Democracy: Download (
24.4 MB)
@parycek‘s tweets on the session:
- digital productive system – information is free and cheap and knowledge is easy to transmit = cost no more an issue
- but deliberation needs time to come together for deliberation, same to negotiation nut also these hurdels are vanishing
- weclome to real time politics without gatekeeping agencies
- example from spain:
- more complex example for eu polocies
- biggest problem digital divide! as we also discussed with @andy_williamson
- 1/3 doesn’t use 1/3 use it not regulary so tere is only 1/3 with which we could engage but only about 8% have the potential
- e-politics divide! all in all it leads to echo chamber – book:
Other reactions on this session
EDEm10 - 4th International Conference on eDemocracy (2010)
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2010) “EDem10: Ismael Peña-López. Goverati: e-Aristocrats or the delusion of e-Democracy” In ICTlogy,
#80, May 2010. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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