Notes from the UOC UNESCO Chair in e-Learning Fifth International Seminar. Fighting the Digital Divide through Education.
Reflections & Conclusions
The real fact of the digital divide
- Multiple factors
- Many different (digital) divides, in relationship to context: culture, geography, education, wealth
- Where to start? Many and different approaches
Importance of the “digital” issue
- The “digital” embedded in the socioeconomic divide
- The “digital” embedded in the education divide
- What’s the relationship between digital and analogue variables
- Awareness raising
- Build from previous experience (e.g. best practices)
- Open processes, open outputs, open participation
- If added value, will to pay (i.e. impact and sustainability)
- Evaluation, assessment
- Communities of practice
- Leveraging communities by focusing on their needs
- Self-organization
- Partnerships
- Networks
- Distributed agoras to debate
ICTs and Education
- Technology not to replace the teacher
- Need to train teachers in ICT usage
- Who’s the expert? The role of youngsters
- Relevance of open content (i.e. OER)
- The networked, multidisciplinary and multicultural teacher & faculty
- Gain from system disruptions to review teaching & assessment
Digital literacies
- Multiple literacies: textual, visual… and language
- Evolving and pervasive nature of digital literacies
- Digital skills as part of the curriculum, embedded in the whole educational process
- ICTs as a language, not just technology
- Training the trainers, educating the educators
What’s next? (VI Seminar 2009)
- Best strategies of knowledge diffusion
- Semantic web in Education
- Teacher training in the Information Society
- Awareness raising in policy-makers and decision-takers
- Education for citizenship, values and attitudes
- Back to open education
- Social learning, peer learning, emergent learning
I would personally like to thank the speakers — for their collaboration —, the audience — for their engagement and participation — and, most especially, to Carlos Albaladejo for being a perfect partner in this trip.
UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Fifth International Seminar. Fighting the Digital Divide through Education (2008)
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2008) “UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning Fifth International Seminar (VIII). Reflections & Conclusions” In ICTlogy,
#62, November 2008. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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Thank you, Ismael, for all your effort to summarize and systematize all the content of the seminar in this blog. It will be very usefull for us all and the people who couldn’t attend the conference.