Announcement: UOC UNESCO Chair in E-Learning Fifth International Seminar. Fighting the digital divide through education

I’m proud — really proud — to present this year’s edition of the UOC UNESCO Chair in e-Learning International Seminar, Fighting the digital divide through education, in which I am part of the academic committee (i.e. I’ll be attending the Seminar).

UOC UNESCO Chair in E-Learning Fifth International Seminar

UOC UNESCO Chair in e-Learning Fifth International Seminar is going to held in Barcelona between the 12th and 14th of November, 2008, and is aimed to debate the different possible solutions to the digital divide problem, cataloguing and analyzing success stories where ICT have played an important role in the development of education, in spite of technological and social barriers.

The Seminar is primarily addressed to:
* Top management at universities: presidents, vice presidents, general managers and executive officers.
* Those responsible for the application of e-Learning in higher education institutions, in which these tools play an important role: officers in charge of the introduction and use of new technology, e-Learning directors, faculty deans, research centre directors, etc.

The programme looks really interesting for those interested in the intersection of Education, ICTs and the Digital Divide. Confirmed speakers are: Tim Unwin, Teemu Leinonen, Ivan Krsti?, Linda G. Roberts, Sugata Mitra and Bakary Diallo and Begoña Gros.

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2 Comments to “Announcement: UOC UNESCO Chair in E-Learning Fifth International Seminar. Fighting the digital divide through education” »

  1. I am interested in attending ~ in what language will this conference be conducted?

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