Next 24th and 25th April, 2008, takes place the third edition of e-STAS 2008: Symposium de las Tecnologías para la Acción Social [Symposium on Technologies for Social Action].
I was convinced that the Development Cooperation 2.0 Conference that took place in Gijón in January would have been the event of the year related to the Information Society and Development Cooperation, ICT4D, Nonprofit Technology and so. Well, they will have to share this honor.
e-STAS 2007 was a great event, an event to network, learn and reflect. It was also a conference that succeeded in bringing in very interesting people from all over the world, renowned and respected in their fields. Compared to other events, it really facilitated participation from the audience, both in site and online.
The Program is not ready yet, but it will undoubtedly be of highest quality. Actually, you can follow the blog of the event (in Spanish) to be up-to-date on what is going on behind the curtains.
As per the goals and program itself, it has been split in two axes. One geographically, by continent, and the other one by content.
The contents that are going to be dealt with are:
- ICTs and the Millennium Development Goals
- Infrastructures and low-cost devices
- Technological contents and services to foster sociodigital inclusion
- Corporate social responsibility, NGOs, volunteers and ICTs
- Sample programs and projects showcasing good multisectorial networking practices using New Technologies for Social Action and Development
This is one of these events that, being in the world of ICT4D, Nonprofits and, most especially, Nonprofit Technology (NP-Tech) you really cannot miss, even if you cannot speak Spanish: last year there was translation service, so, hopefully, so will be this year as it is expected circa 20% of foreign attendance.
As last year, I’ve been invited by the organization to take part into the event. That’s being lucky. I don’t know yet what am I supposed to do, but I accepted and offered all my help unconditionally. This is how I see the conference. If anybody’s interested in attending, or has already planned to, don’t hesitate to drop me a line.
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2008) “e-Stas 2008: symposium on technologies for social action” In ICTlogy,
#53, February 2008. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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