Lady Virginia Mugarra Velarde
Education for HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases prevention
The role of ICTs to educate about sexually transmitted diseases prevention, especially to educate educators.
An important aspect of such education is to ease the communication between the physicists and their patients.
- Train educators about these diseases… and how to educate about them
- Sensitize youngsters about prevention
- Mobilize policy makers
The main successes are, above all, the speed and spread of information and training, with a strong focus on prevention, which is where information can actually make a difference.
Tools: a platform with three axes (1) content (2) spaces for debate (3) online assistance
María Jesús Medina
Cybervolunteering at Iníci@te Programme
[note: in this session, cybervolunteer = ICT volunteer, not online volunteer. See my Online Volunteering Taxonomy for more details]
Volunteers experts in ICTs to help users in telecenters.
Volunteers are trained about attitudes, techniques, the environment they are going to work in, the target beneficiaries of the several activities, etc.
The public-private partnership between the regional administration (coordinating the project) and the local administrations and telecenters a must for success.
Olga Fernández Berrios
Reflections, tools and experiences about cooperation 2.0
Training for nonprofits about technology for nonprofits, with a strong use of Web 2.0 applications, such as feed aggregation, metablogs, wikis, instant messaging, VoIP, microblogging, online volunteering, etc.
Blogs in the field: use of blogs to raise advocacy and transparency by writing within and from a development project.
Blogs at the headquarters: same, but from the nonprofit headquarters (no need to be really there, but the focus)
Directories of projects and institutions.
Metablogs: Global Voices Online
Planets: feed aggregators, automatically updated once have been set up. The information comes to you.
Wikis: Where nonprofits share their information, handbooks, procedures… and with the possibility that this information can be updated/build collaboratively.
Caveat: some of these initiatives are not top-down, not institutional, but raised by individuals, sometimes as a personal answer (critique?) to the bureaucratic slowness and lack of flexible response of some organizations.
Social networks: some of them using richest media, such as The Hub.
We should shift from talking about technology to talking about the uses of it. The Web 2.0 allows this shift, as technological solutions come more and more irrelevant.
Free flow of information: RSS, copyleft or open licensing, syndication
Vicente Carlos Domingo González
To enable media diffusion, especially video, for nonprofits and development issues.
Their role is to act as a new information agency to cover events, projects from nonprofits. It runs on a volunteering basis coming from the media sector + a technological platform to broadcast video.
The goal is not only to broadcast, but have audience too, thus the commitment with high-quality low-band requisites of the portal.
José Manrique López de la Fuente
Opportunities of Mobile Web in developing countries
Success bridging the digital divide
- The will, motivation to access the Net
- Material access
- Personal capacity, competences
- Access to advanced uses
The importance to generate local business possibilities based on ICTs.
Part of the material access and personal capacity interaction is about the ease of use, that should be kept clear in all ICT4D projects.
Mobile Solutions
- Specific applications for mobile phones: maximum integration with the device, but device diversity can generate incompatibilities
- Voice and/or SMS based solutions: simple and working, interoperability could be a pro or a con
- The Web as platform: rich, standards are mainstream
Mobile Web
- Advantage: Integration of existing solutions
- Advantage: Technologies based on open standards
- Problem: user experience, diversity and cost in some places
- Problem: low-tech devices that cannot access the web, mobile carriers not providing access
Carolina Moreno Asenjo
Global Networks and social engagement: ICT integration strategies at Entreculturas
- Improve quality in education, at a global level
- Foster advocacy through ICTs
- Fight the “loneliness” of the teacher in his classroom
- Cut down costs in training and knowledge sharing
- Create a link to catalyze network building
Leverage communities of practice and communities of learning with ICTs.
- engagement of the beneficiaries
- funding
- logistics when setting up the hardware and technological platform
- motoring, coordination
- sustainability
Communication in Alegría Activity
Mobile (connected) classrooms.
Eduardo Pérez Gutiérrez
Geographic Information Systems in Educational Centers for Regional Development
Goals: Develop web-based GISs for diagnose and monitoring of educational centers for regional development.
To fight lack of education in remote, rural areas, governments supply these regions with instructors, that are not actually teachers but have a broader profile, socially speaking, but a lower profile as an educator. So, their social profile is good to interact with the community but the quality of teaching might not be as good as expected.
The GIS should help cross data about the reach of an instructor’s activity, the profile of the population reached by this instructor, etc. and then help the decision-making about the instructor, his activity, the way he spends his budget, etc.
Benefits: focused investments, allows centralized administration, transparency and monitoring, enables confidence, provides context and helps strategy design.
Development Cooperation 2.0 (2008)
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2008) “Development Cooperation 2.0 (V): Communications” In ICTlogy,
#52, January 2008. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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