Armelle Arrou
Open Training Platform
Open Training Platform to share training materials. Open solutions allowing localization of the resources.
Content provided by UN agencies, development agencies, NGOs, foundations, associations… and in contact with Knowledge Centers, City Learning Centers, Civic Media Centers, IT kiosks, etc.
Avoid duplications, maximize existing resources circulation.
Prince Deh
Promoting Information and Knowledge Sharing through Vlogging
Vlogging requires low expertise or digital literacy, and there are plenty of (free) (online) tools to create, edit and upload your videos.
Major challenges
- On the other hand, the major challenges are connectivity and/or access
- the difficulty to get people share information and knowledge
- Cost of equipment: camcorder, laptop/desktop, etc.
GINKS: how ICTs can help the development of rural areas in Africa.
More info:
- Interview with Prince Deh, Vlogger from Ghana at Web2forDev
Panel discussion: Moses Kisembo, Christian Kreutz, Kado Muir, Williams EzinwaNwagwu
Web 2.0 for Rural Development and Community Empowerment, Opportunities and Barriers
Major challenge of Web 2.0: people’s confidence. Maybe because most information does not come from rural communities but from “outside”.
Information collection, information availability is very low. Thus, the opportunity/challenge for Web 2.0 tools for rural development is knowledge management. Capacity development should be tied to information strategies.
Organizational challenges: open web, open content requires open institutions, open organizations. Knowledge transfer, knowledge sharing needs connected people, transparency.
The power of mashups: connecting two social software networks does not require any effort on the users’ part, but can add a lot of value.
Is it possible to empower, engage people through Web 2.0 applications… without saying ‘Web 2.0’? Is the term itself a barrier?
For Governments, Web 2.0 offers and interesting way to connect with people.
Same for cooperation for development agencies, making possible the subversion of top-down designs and enabling bottom-up initiatives.
Web 2.0 are helping people that are still in the Web 0.0 — no web, or just basic telecommunication infrastructures — to leapfrog Web 1.0 and land directly on Web 2.0: the reason being that both the needs for technological requisites and expert technicians are way lower in Web 2.0 than in Web 1.0.
Web 2.0 for Development related posts (2007)
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2007) “Web2forDev 2007 (VI): Plenary Sessions: Web 2.0 for Development (III)” In ICTlogy,
#48, September 2007. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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