Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (V): Charles Leadbeater: We Think

Keynote Speech: Charles Leadbeater
We Think

The Ideas Commons.

Within the next years, lots of people coming from developing countries will be online: what does this mean? The place you come from matters, as it’ll shape the Internet.

Some organizations are built for the distribution of labour, but if creative work is not that easy to manage, what’s the role of organizations? Collaborative, distributed work and ways to perform it will reshape the world.

Recognition: what do people want…

Changes in the way we consume. Lots of ideas will come from the consumers, not the producers. New participative ethics in consumption, participative consumption… quite complicated to manage. The Apple store is not a shop, is a cathedral.

New models of leadership and ownership, with no more centralized, pyramidal models of leadership, and models of ownership not centered in retaining but in opening, sharing, let away.

New models of work, innovation, consumption.

Don’t look at politics but at creativity and creation engaged in political issues.

There’s a link between development and democracy: is the web bringing more deveploment through higher democracy?

Collaborative, participative media is spreading capabilities.

The freedom of creative work, of being creative.

All this pumps up creation as one of the main important things that are happening and are going to happen in the nearest future.

Comments & Debate

What are the conditions that make smart mobs really smart… and not populist or just stupid/useless?


Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 related posts (2007)

If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2007) “Towards a Social Science of Web 2.0 (V): Charles Leadbeater: We Think” In ICTlogy, #48, September 2007. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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