Akeh Lucas Kunen & Zigo Morfaw Damien
E-Health Africa: Overcoming the Barriers to its Implementation. A case study of Sub Sahara Africa
Intend to identify the barriers to e-Health implementation in sub-saharan Africa and see how can these barriers be overcome.
- Political barriers
- Economic barriers
- Socio-cultural factors
- Technical barriers
Solutions to Political barriers
- Leadership
- Leadership
- Leadership
Solutions to Economic barriers
- Infrastructure development
- Poverty alleviation
- Assistance from donor organizations
Solutions to Socio-Cultural barriers
- Education
- Digital divide
- Use of ICTs in public institutions
My Comments
- During the debate, issues arise about citizenship awareness (on e-Health) and overriding (corrupt) governments, which reminds me of some good hints Francisco Lupiáñez about ICTs and e-Health in some cases not empowering but disempowering people, e.g. the distrust on online information about Health in general thus strengthening the link/dependence physicist-patient. Thus, overriding governments with the required awareness might by a tricky issue.
Marije Geldof
ICT for low-literate youth in Ethiopia: the usability challenge
The instruments of literacy create a demand for literacy
Explore current role & future opportunities of ICTs in the live of low-literate (limited reading and writing skills) youth (1o to 20 y.o.) in Africa
Methodological challenges
- Sampling
- Phrasing questions
- Visual representations
- Answering behaviour
- Translation
- Research setting
Preliminary results
- Divide urban and rural
- Gender differences
- Main ICT use: communication long distance; information about country
- Mobile phone popular
- Technology for the educated only
- English necessary for using ICT
- Reading and writing for education, letters, obtaining knowledge, job perspectives
- Impact video
- Imitating
- Low sustainability
Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (2007)
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2007) “Second Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (IX): e-Health and eGovernment” In ICTlogy,
#47, August 2007. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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