Next March 21st, 22nd and 23rd I’m at Sevilla (Spain) to attend to e-STAS 2007: Symposium de las Tecnologías para la Acción Social [Symposium on Technologies for Social Action]
Besides just attending — the programme is worth the trip — I’ve been asked by the organization to take part in an expert group on ICTs for nonprofits:
The expert group is a multidisciplinary panel of professionals coming from the private sector, the public sector, the university, the media and the third sector, invited by Fundación Cibervoluntarios with the goal of generating discussion groups aimed to obtaining a multisectorial Decalogue for the building of social projects by means of the New Technologies, as well as generating social networking among the attendants.
Please, feel free to suggest any points that this Decalogue should include. Some days ago, Jaume Albaigès published in his excellent blog, tecnolONGgia, the report Las políticas públicas en materia de nuevas tecnologías, las ONG de acción social y los colectivos desfavorecidos (, 171 Kb) [Public policies about new technologies, social action nonprofits and underserved communities] and, in my opinion, it makes a perfect starting point.
Here come other resources about ICTs and nonprofits that I also wrote in Jaume Albaigès’s post comments:
- Acevedo, M. (2006). La integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación: Asignatura pendiente de la cooperación. - Franco, C. (Coord.) (2002). ¿Conectadas? Las ONG Españolas en la red. - Fundación Bip-Bip. (2005). Estudio de diagnóstico sobre el nivel de utilización de las TIC en las entidades no lucrativas de acción social que trabajan en pro de la inserción laboral en España - Fundació Pere Tarrés. (2000). ONG e Internet: Matrimonio de Conveniencia?
See a live list about nonprofits and ICTs/technology in
ICT4D Bibliography » Categories » NPTech
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2007) “e-Stas 2007 and the experts group on ICTs for nonprofits” In ICTlogy,
#42, March 2007. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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I also will be there to attend the meeting.
So, see you there!
As I told you, unfortunately I won’t be able to be there, so I will expect your report. ;-) I’m going to attend the 1r Congrés del Tercer Sector Social de Catalunya and, probably, act as ICT group moderator.
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