Mila Gascó Hernández, Fran Equiza López and Manuel Acevedo Ruiz have released a new book on ICT4D: Information Communication Technologies and Human Development: Opportunities and Challenges
Technology has always played a decisive role in humanity’s progress, although the positive impacts technology has on human development may become tainted by the risks it entails. Information Communication Technologies and Human Development: Opportunities and Challenges emphasizes the need to consider the geographic, historic, and cultural context of an information communication technology (ICT) for development initiative, and includes several real examples that show some of the key success factors that have to be taken into consideration when using ICTs for development. Information Communication Technologies and Human Development: Opportunities and Challenges is a tool for practitioners, providing a wide knowledge of several important ICTs for development experiences that have been conducted all over the developing world.
The first feeling is that the authors compose a good team of experts and that the approach of the book is eminently practical, way far from theory. In this first glance I can notice that the bibliographies are terrific — and you wish you’d never looked ad them and found so many unread resources.
The table of contents can be found here, where you’ll find a very appropriate and timely article for these days about microcredit by Narima Amin. It’s a pity the editors did not sign themselves more content than the 10 pages preface, as they surely have interesting things to explain.
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2006) “Book: Information Communication Technologies and Human Development: Opportunities and Challenges” In ICTlogy,
#39, December 2006. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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