Open Education 2006 (IV): myOCW and Perpetual Education Fund

Here come my notes on the Open Education 2006: Community, Culture, and Content that we are attending:

Thursday, September 28, 2006
Keynote sessions

myOCW Preview
Steve Carson, OCW Consortium

To support OCW and OER users, the OCW Consortium is developing an educational networking site called myOCW. myOCW supports blogs, favorite links lists and file storage for both individuals and groups, and integrates information from other web tools via RSS feeds. myOCW will be publicly available in early 2007.

Some materials do not generate enough community so that the interaction is relevant.
Future: based on ELGG learning landscape. Connect people with similar interest, supporting integration of web 2.0 tools. Not envisioned as a primary authoring tool, though feedback/upload of derivatives should be possible.

Personal note: this tool in some sense reminds me of Scott Wilson‘s Personal Learning Environment. I wonder if myOCW will ever become, also, a PLE…

The Perpetual Education Fund
Rex Allen, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

I’ve never seen a learning object learn anything. “Who” must be on “first”.

When it comes to learning: people matter most; purposes, motivation; preparation matters; processes matter.

Preparation and sustainability of the project are crucial. People get loans to study, and when finished they payback them, having improved jobs, satisfaction and life quality.


Web 2.0 for Development related posts (2006)

If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2006) “Open Education 2006 (IV): myOCW and Perpetual Education Fund” In ICTlogy, #36, September 2006. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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