![Human Rights in the Global Information Society](/img/posts/0000000443.jpg)
Human Rights in the
Global Information Society
The MIT Press has just published the book Human Rights in the Global Information Society, edited by Rikke Frank Jørgensen.
The table of contents really looks exciting, dividing the 12 articles or chapters in three parts: the first one related to freedom of expression, access to information and privacy protection, where so hot questions such as censorhip, data protection, the emerging media and others might be dealt with); second part about freedom of association and participation, where all the aspects of democracy and electronic democracy should be considered (the right to be informed, the right to deliberate, the right to make your own oppinions up); and a last part about equality and development, where one would expect to find e-inclusion, interculturalism and leapfrogging.
While I have not read the book yet — so I don’t know whether I’d found these words and/or the equivalent concepts — the feeling so far about the book is quite positive. And while it’s usual to read about ICTs in the field of development concerning economic issues, sometimes even social issues, but rarely strictly in the field of Human Rights, the subject is getting the more and more important as some works and some institutionshave already pointed.
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2006) “Book: Human Rights in the Global Information Society” In ICTlogy,
#36, September 2006. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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