Policy background papers for WSIS

A gathering of resources about WSIS I bloglined months ago…

All of them can be downloaded in PDF version except ICTs and large-scale poverty reduction that seems to be pointing to a wrong link. Anyway, it can be easily googled and found.


Web 2.0 and diffusion of research (revisited and improved)

My colleague and friend César Córcoles (UOC professor in the area of multimedia) and I have imparted today a second version of a previous speech of mine entitled Web 2.0 and diffusion of research.

Today’s seminar, scheduled as an activity of the UNESCO Chair of e-Learning, has really been improved by César’s participation, which has resulted not in an actually new version but a new presentation in its whole (César pricelessly helped me through the former seminar and was thus cited as main reference there — he was long due to appear on stage and get his due recognition :).

You can find here the presentation in Catalan (original version) and English.


Buzzword or not, the Internet is changing and the so-called Web 2.0 applications might mean new ways to work in the research-education-diffusion field (i.e. the University field). This presentation’s goal is raising a reflection and showing some “good” practices in higher education teaching, research and diffusion of research, after some experiences at the Open University of Catalonia and the use of blogs, wikis and other tools.


II Congress on Internet, Law and Political Science

At the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (i.e. my Faculty) we are organising the II Congress on Internet, Law and Political Science that will be held in Barcelona (Spain) on May, 8th and 9th, 2006.

Among other issues:

  • eGovernment
  • Internet Governance
  • eJustice
  • eBusiness, security and digital crime
  • Data security and digital communications privacy
  • eAdministration and Public information
  • Websites and political parties
  • Democracy in ICTs

Our guest star is, no doubt, Benjamin Barber.

During the congress, the second issue of IDP, review of Internet, Law and Political Science will be presented. BTW, the call for communications is open and the best one will be published in the review.


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