RSC e-Toolbox

Josie Fraser posts about Regional Suport Centre Wales’s e-Toolbox where you can find information pertaining to a variety of software which can be used to develop learning situations.

Josie “complains” whether reviews or examples will be added to the tools posted in the database – now there’re neither reviews nor examples. I completely agree. So far, the only thing you can find is some specifications, being amongst them the product URL.

Nevertheless, the idea is quite good.

I wonder if it is going to grow in such a way that it becomes useless because of infoxication or it will remain “under control”. This is kind of a self-criticism because I’m running an ICT4D Wiki – for personal uses, so far – and I was wondering whether I should open it to anyone to read it and/or open it to anyone to edit it.

On one hand, the more people the more content, and this is good.
But if I/we am/are going to make a copy of portals such as The Development Gateway or The Digital Divide Network, what’s the meaning of it all?

Keep thinking about it…


If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2005) “RSC e-Toolbox” In ICTlogy, #20, May 2005. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
Retrieved month dd, yyyy from

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2 Comments to “RSC e-Toolbox” »

  1. To be fair “The eToolbox is still under development and currently in prototype form and any feedback about the content, it’s usefulness or any other comments to your local RSC is most welcome….Joan Walker Curriculum Development Officer JISC Regional Support Centre – Scotland South & West”

    It’s potentially a fantastic idea though – anyone who has tried getting just specs and prices out of suppliers will know. If they feed in practioners critical evaluations and class room experiences, this will become a hugely valuable resource. Although there’s a difference between useful comment and purely effusive (or commercial) endorsement – I always read (and find mostly useful) Amazon and IMDB comments.

  2. Ooops, did I sound too rude?
    Far my intention: I truly found the idea really interesting :)

    Nevertheless, I had my head thinking about the ICT4D Wiki issue… and I surely shouldn’t have mixed things :(

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