The article at Goiaba Knowledge Bridge mainly deals with language matters when working internationally. Not that it is very original, but yet it arises some aspects you’d easily overlook.
Just three contributions (one is repeated ;)
- To the problem of communication: well, this is not new and we’d surely must communicate in some lingua franca, i.e. English, Spanish, etc. I know the problem is still there. Then: literacy in this language is a must, not for development, but for living (if I’m allowed to exagerate a bit ;)
- To the problem of translating and so: online volunteers is quite an option
- To the problem of social/tacit knowledge spread all over the world: online volunteers again, stuck to the community and with their knowledge at a click’s reach. If correctly designed, the online volunteers community will not have language matters
- To the problem of local content: well, the internet and, especially, intranets, wikis and blogs just ease this creation of local content. Digital literacy is, then, also a must. And technologies focused to content (and not technologies for technology) are the tool.
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2004) “Key Knowledge Issues in NGOs” In ICTlogy,
#15, December 2004. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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