II Workshop on Internet and Solidarity

Last year I took part at the I Jornades Internet i Solidaritat (I Workshop on Internet and Solidarity) organized by OneWorldSpain.

We’re now planning what it will surely be called II Jornades Internet i Solidaritat (II Workshop on Internet and Solidarity), though this time organized by a consortium of different NGOs and cooperation for development institutions:

We’re just beginning the design of the workshop but, so far, two ideas arose that I found interesting:

  • Internet as a public good: as all other public goods, Internet, ICTs and all other related technologies and applications, should be considered good to be fostered per se, as they have associated benefits that enhance welfare, progress, etc.
  • Internet as a public space: as a public space, civil society should take part in the definition of this space, its rules and related laws, etc. instead of sparing it for the enterprise level or the public administration level. Everyone should be allowed to be part of the process of building this space

[written in a hurry :P]


If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2004) “II Workshop on Internet and Solidarity” In ICTlogy, #13, October 2004. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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