[source Online Learning Update]
[news Including the excluded thanks to easy e-learning]
The Fellows Project is a European Commission funded project (IST/2000/26/247) to foster lifelong learning for all. Within the framework of The Learning Citizen Cluster, the Fellows Project has developed online distance learning services for disadvantaged users in training institutions within four European countries (Austria, France, Germany and the UK) and set up a blended model where presence and virtuallity learning meet to cover different needs in four European countries.
On their Consultancy section I read you can “benefit from the experiences and expertise of the Fellows Partners” but it is no clear at all whether they provide the on-line platform and whether they provide it for free. Same applies for courses and learning objects.
I still wonder, too, why developing a new platform, and still have no clear idea on how it was developed (Java, yes, but… what more?).
Summarizing: good idea, great aim, unclear public benefit from it all.
And I mean it, if goals are good and funding is public, why still I don’t know I can I benefit from it? :P
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2004) “Fellows: facilitating and enhancing lifelong learning” In ICTlogy,
#12, September 2004. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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