Establishing Internet Connectivity in Rural Uganda

This is good news: “Thanks to Uganda Communications Commission’s Rural Communication’s Development Fund, our efforts to expand e-learning to remote areas was successfully achieved last week.”

And Cisco’s Least Developed Countries Initiative is also great: “introduced in July, 2000, as a program to provide opportunities for IT training in an effort to bridge the digital divide in the LDCs of the world”


If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2004) “Establishing Internet Connectivity in Rural Uganda” In ICTlogy, #5, February 2004. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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3 Comments to “Establishing Internet Connectivity in Rural Uganda” »

  1. This is very encouraging but my worry has always been the frequent power cuts, lack of electicity in the rural areas, and training of trainers. how a u handling these. otherwise elearning is the key.
    welldone and pse keep it up.

  2. This is very encouraging but my worry has always been the frequent power cuts, lack of electicity in the rural areas, and training of trainers. how a u handling these. otherwise elearning is the key.
    welldone and pse keep it up.

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