It’s weird but I’m having real trouble finding somebody in the blogosphere writing on e-volunteering. E-learning and Knowledge Management are largely more popular topics, but just seldom deal with development or cooperation for development. I’ve found really interesting sites on content sharing (open source content) that can easily be treated in a ICT4D environment, and same applies to KM, but I still have to find a site talking these same issues I want to focus.
On the other hand, there’s another the web out there (out of the blogosphere ;) but these topics of mine are also scarcely debated.
I’ve just added a new link to my blog’s bookmarks, UNITES, the United Nations Information Technology Service. I wonder if I should have pointed directly to their Resource Center which is the part I like the most.
Anyway… keep calling out: anybody out there talking about e-volunteering or e-learning for development?
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may be it’s a good idea to look at the following weblogs
– Dave Pollard’s How to save the world
– Bill Brandon’s Act of mercy: Feed the hungry
– And to write to Olaf Brugman. Olaf facilitates knowledge development on KM in NGOs, so he should know about others.
– You can also check this list of NGO weblogs
Sorry, the link to Bill Brandon is
Thanks a lot, Lilia.
Not exactly what I was looking for but following your suggested links I found some other sites that might really be of my interest – yet diving into them.
Anyway, I won’t easily give up looking for someone directly apliying e-learning to development or setting up e-volunteering programmes (so far… anyone else but Jayne Cravens at UNITeS?)
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