Seminar: “Social Exclusion and information technologies. Challenges and opportunities “

Next 26 of November I will be speaking at the “Social Exclusion and information technologies. Challenges and opportunities ” seminar.

My speech will surely be entitled something like “Social action in a network and in the Net: knowledge management + e-volunteering + e-learning”. I’ll try and write down my speech, but not promised ;)

There goes the complete programme:

Opening session by David Ríos Insúa
International Relationships and ICT promotion Vicerector at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

10:45 – 11:45
E-learning for e-inclusion
Jordi Escoín, Centro Municipal Pont del Dragó
Javier Lalueza, La Casa de Shere Rom
Enrique Varela, Fundación Once
Moderated by Peru Erroteta, Fundación Metis

Coffee break

Digital services to enlarge personal horizons
Rosa Gras, Club Estrella (Fundación La Caixa)
Ismael Peña, Campus for Peace (UOC)
Luís López Aranguren, Fundación Tomillo
Moderated by Raquel Paricio, Callús digital

Presentation of the first E-learning and e-inclusion international congress
Juan Pedregosa, ITD

Debate: Social exclusion and information technologies. Social challenges and policy perspectives
Moderated by Antonio G. Rubí, eDemocracia
Carlos Campuzano, Deputy for Barcelona (CiU). CiU spokesman at the Social and Employment Policy Commission at the spanish Chamber of Deputys.
Pilar Díaz, Socialist deputy at the Catalan Chamber of Deputys; Member of the Information Society Commission
Pilar Dellunde, ERC‘s National Woman Secretariat
José María Canyelles, (associations and volunteers network of Catalonia). Manager of the Catalan Volunteering Institute.

Closing session: Digital inclusion is social inclusion
David Casacuberta
Trànsit Projectes. Science philosophy lecturer at the Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona. Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility spanish chapter secretary.

Further info:
Place: Centre cívic Pati Llimona
c/ Regomir, 3 08002 Barcelona (Spain)
Tel. (34) 93 268 47 00
Contact (mail)
Contact (site)


If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2003) “Seminar: “Social Exclusion and information technologies. Challenges and opportunities “” In ICTlogy, #2, November 2003. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
Retrieved month dd, yyyy from

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3 Comments to “Seminar: “Social Exclusion and information technologies. Challenges and opportunities “” »

  1. El lloc al que fas referència es diu “centre cívic Patí Llimona”.

  2. És veritat (vaig copypastejar del programa en castellà i això va quedar amagat a la traducció). Ja ho he canviat :)
    [On the right name of the “Centre cívic Pati Llimona” and not “Centro cívico Pati Llimona]

  3. Pingback: ICTlogy :: Report: Seminar: “Social Exclusion and information technologies. Challenges and opportunities”

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