Just came back from an interview: a local TV programmes producer interviewed me (and some workmates) so we explained what the Campus for Peace was all about.
The interview and the whole thing is supposed to be broadcasted in some local TVs in the area of Barcelona.
Not very fond of it but… nice experience anyway ;)
If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:
Peña-López, I. (2003) “Local Televisions” In ICTlogy,
#1, October 2003. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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Hi everybody there. I just write to say welcome, encorage you with this new blog and ask about the TV program you took part in. What was it about? NGOs? When is it supposed to be broadcasted? Soon? Thanks
It was a TV programme about ICT in general. We recorded some material in order to do a special edition about ICT and cooperation for development.
As it was produced not by a TV channel but a TV producer it will surely be broadcasted on more than one channel – the TV producer makes the programme and sells it to some local TVs interested in the subject. Thus, I don’t know yet when or where I will show up in the screen. I’ll be notifying it ASAP here in Meet me at…