United Nations Group On The Information Society

From ICT4D Wiki

In April 2006, UNGIS was endorsed by the UN-Chief Executives Board (CEB) as the new inter-agency mechanism with the main objective to coordinate substantive and policy issues facing the United Nations’ implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).

UNGIS will gather CEB members (UN agencies, programs and funds as well as other specialized agencies such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund or the World Trade Organization) and is designed to promote policy and programme coordination and coherence as well as overall guidance to the UN system.

To achieve this objective UNGIS will: 

  • Contribute to the implementation of the Geneva Plan of Action and the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society, primarily at the international level, by mainstreaming the Information Society Agenda into the activities and programmes of CEB members. In this context, the UNGIS would be closely coordinated with the mechanisms for national and regional implementation established in the Tunis Agenda (paragraphs 100 and 101), as well as the multi-stakeholder implementation process (paragraphs 108-110).
  • Facilitate synergies between organizations belonging to the UN system to maximize joint efforts, avoid duplication and enhance effectiveness in achieving the WSIS outcomes; and
  • Promote public awareness about WSIS implementation by the UN system.

See also: