ICT4D Timeline

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From http://ict4dtimeline.wikispaces.com/

The purpose of this wiki is to build a timeline of major events in Infromation and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D). If you have an event feel free to add it to the wiki. If interest grows the ict4dtimeline initiative could grow where we have more editorial resources applied.


1865 - International Telecommunication Union was established
1874 - Universal Postal Union was established
1899 - The first International Peace Conference was held in The Hague
12 December 1901 - Marconi successfully receives first transatlantic radio transmissions
1919 - League of Nations was established under the Treaty of Versailles
24 October 1945 - The United Nations officially came into existence
13 September 1956 - IBM introduces the IBM 350 Disk File, the first hard drive
12 September 1958 - Texas Instruments, demonstrates the world's first integrated circuit
1960 - Digital Equipment introduces the first minicomputer, the PDP-1.
1977 - AT&T Bell Labs constructed and operated a prototype cellular phone system