From ICT4D Wiki
- Academic Technology Council at Texac
- Adagio Digital
- Adventures in Instructional Support
- afrotechie
- Bauen Blog
- Austin Blogger
- BloggerCorps
- Broke Kid
- B2S Business to Society
- cabòries digitals
- Collaborative Learning
- community radio
- Conexões Científicas
- Conseil, Recherche, Innovation
- Consultoría artesana en la red
- ComuniSfera
- Corto y cambio
- Cuando ser tú no es suficiente
- Despre chestii din viata
- Development Blogs (aggregator)
- Dilluns
- e-Xaps
- elimu
- Em duas línguas
- Enric Mor
- еРајдери - Македонија
- Flux
- Jon Snydal
- EdTechUK (Josie Fraser)
- eLearningSpace
- Entre los Simios
- HiLaws @ Sampsung
- Gamoia
- Genís Roca
- Gestão do Conhecimento
- Globorama
- Grupo Nodos ELE
- ICT for Development
- Incorporated Subversion
- Information Overlord
- InterTelecom
- John C. Ronquillo
- Lapilli
- Mestre Tites
- midiautoria
- More Than Just Technology
- My blog of HR, and technology stuff
- next media and society .org
- Nini's Thoughts
- NPTech
- OERs, OCW, Open Content and Other Jargony O Words
- Online Learning Update. To see who links there
- Otro Blog Más
- Orgbook
- Privaterra
- Progressive ICT Review
- RConversation
- Regulatory Capture
- ruizdequerol
- richardbrunton:BLOG
- Shannon Turlington
- Tecnología y Desarrollo
- Telecom Policy Blog Aggregator
- The African Uptimist
- Thoughts About K4D
- The People Speak
- TIC Para El Desarrollo
- Towards the Knowledge Society
- Vance Stevens
- Vermont Nonprofit CommunIT
- Web Tastings
- Zero Cost Computing
- 20 cabras