From ICT4D Wiki
Joint UN Programme on AIDS/HIV
UN Office for Drug and Crime Prev. +info
Pan-American Health Organization
UN Food and Agricultural Organization
Vulnerable Communities
UN Children Fund
UN Development Fund for Women
UN Development Programme
UN Development Programme OHR Job Shop
UNDP Inter-Agency Procurement Serv. Off.
UN Volunteers
UN Centre for Human Settlement
UN Industrial Development Organization
UN Population Fund
[httpFAQs)/D7C9F0AEA1D897E180256B5000462DBD?OpenDocument&subsection=FAQs UN Research Institute for Social Development
UN Environmental Programme
UN Environmental Programme GRID
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Human Rights and Peace
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
UNHCHR Internships
UN High Commissioner for Refugees
UN Institute for Disarmament Research
UN Relief and Works Ag. for Palestine Ref.
UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.
UN Institute for Training and Research
UN Staff College
UN University
UN Office for Project Services
UN Economic Commission for Europe
Office for Outer Space Affairs