Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (V). Erkki Sutinen: Innovations workshop

Notes from the IPID ICT4D PG symposium 2008, Mekrijärvi Research Station, Joensuu University, Finland. 8 and 9 September, 2008.

Erkki Sutinen: Innovation

Two ways/branches to engage in ICT4D:

  • Departure point: existing technologies. Check the developing context where to put the existing technologies so that something new arises
  • Identify a developing context. Develop a new technology appropriate for that developing context.

Other infos


Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (2008)

Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (IV). Thematic session 3: sustainability and performance

Notes from the IPID ICT4D PG symposium 2008, Mekrijärvi Research Station, Joensuu University, Finland. 8 and 9 September, 2008.

Pieter Joubert, University of Pretoria: Socio-Technical Assumptions and Sustainability in ICT4D

High rate of failure or information systems in developing countries (Heeks, 2002). Due to several reasons: skills, infrastructure management, etc. What makes a project sustainable?

Several projects in South Africa were evaluated to find major trends. Methodology: semi-structured interviews, document analysis, direct observation. Some findings:

  • Assumed the technology would work
  • Assumed only technical skills were required
  • Reported to have patience with digitally illiterate users
  • Assumed there would be technical support

Level of technical maturity model:

  • assumed
  • recognised: recognition of importance of technical skills
  • dedicated: dedication of resources to technical skills
  • integrated: integration of technical skills into the social base
P. Clint Rogers
P. Clint Rogers, chair of the session

Tuija Tiihonen, HIS-unit, University of Kuopio: Socio-technical IS context in Organizations – How to Figure it?

To map Information Systems context, to see why do failures (and their stronger effect) in implementation happen, cultural environment and work habits, map user needs, see how IS perform at the different levels of the organization…

For IS professionals, for IS education, to classify and divide different categories and systems…

Levels of context: individual, group / activity, organizational, societal.

Marcus Duveskog, University of Joensuu: Development of Digital HIV/AIDS Learning material based on Tanzanian students real life stories

Goal: develop a platform for HIV/AIDS counselling and information.

Flash chosen as main platform: portable, online, powerful in graphics and animation. Major problem with flash is that is no free software, so to develop something you need the licensed software [my comment: and, besides, flash is a non-accessible black box (though there have been recent improvements in this field)].

HIV/AIDS materials based on students real stories that get involved in the project, so they generate relevant material and develop a sense of ownership.

Next challenges: how to go mobile? how to make it simple for students to share their stories online? how to make material more interactive?

Kari Valkama, Helsinki University: Sustainable development on language tools / Usability of language tools

Technological challenges for development: complexity.

Language tools is software for documenting and developing languages.

Usable Language Tools based on trust: protecting the user’s data, easy to use, consistent, following the user’s mental model

Jef Raskin’s adaption of Isaac Asimov’s robotic laws applied to software:

  • A computer shall not harm your work or, through inaction, allow your work to come to harm
  • A computer shall not waste your time or require you to do more work than is strictly necessary


Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (2008)

Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (III). Thematic session 2: Education

Notes from the IPID ICT4D PG symposium 2008, Mekrijärvi Research Station, Joensuu University, Finland. 8 and 9 September, 2008.

Nelson Godfried Agyemang, University of Pretoria: A Sustainability Framework for Advanced ICT Education in a Developing country

Nelson Godfried Agyemang
Nelson Godfried Agyemang

How to make sustainable Postgraduate in ICT education programmes in developing countries.

Action research methodology.

Kurt Lewin’s iterative process: diagnose, action planning, action taking, evaluating, specifying learning.

Important point: not to take research for consultancy.

Different sustainability stages: outcomes, processes, context, etc.

In the digitizing sustainability, not everything can be digitized.

Tersia Gowases, University of Joensuu: Impacts of Higher Education Institutions of an Information Society

Background: Edulink fosters ICT development in Africa. Its objective is to foster capacity building and regional integration in higher education in ACP States and Regions, and to promote higher education as a means of reducing poverty.

In this framework, see what’s the role of the combination of Higher Education and Computer Science (e.g. degrees in computer science).

Perspectives: technological, economical, occupational, spatial, cultural.

Joseph M Longino, Lappeenranta University of Technology: Evaluation of Implementation of BSc IT curriculum at Tumaini University

The “C” in ICTs, as a difference with IT.

Background of ICT in Tanzania: post independence situation, development of ICT in Higher Education Institutions, public sector and SMEs reforms to include ICTs. ICTs have been really useful for SMEs to access remote information.

International standard curricula bodies for Computer Science: IFIP, UNESCO.

Curricula models and development: IEEE & ACM (1991 & 2001), UNESCO (1999).

Create a curriculum for a Bsc IT, following the six principles as input: contextualization, international recognition, project based, practical orientation, research based, interdisciplinary orientation.

Challenges: to move ICTs from entertainment to promoting change, by meeting social expectations in an efficient use.

Haider Abbas, Asad Raza, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden: Security Evaluation of ESAM Software

How to do security evaluation using Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM)? How to promote time/cost-effective security evaluation of Software Architectures in developing countries?

Security is considered a cost overhead in developing countries and so is often left unattended.

A new framework based on ESAM Software to make it easier.

Carolina Islas, University of Joensuu: Playing and Sharing knowledge through the use of portable devices, formally known as Mobile Phones

How is gaming and sharing knowledge relevant for ICT4D? Knowledge sharing for development.

Development according to Van Wagner: the growth of humans throughout the lifespan.

SECI model: socialization, externalization, combination, internalization. This is what happens in the sequence of gaming from a scenario towards a goal.

If we can shift content and education to the mobile zone arena — being mobile phones the most evenly distributed ICTs — then we can make some broad impact in knowledge shared based development. Mobile pervasive gaming is a vehicle to support learning.


Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (2008)

Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (II). Thematic session 1: IT governance, participation, e-learning, m-development

Notes from the IPID ICT4D PG symposium 2008, Mekrijärvi Research Station, Joensuu University, Finland. 8 and 9 September, 2008.

Edephonce N. Nfuka, Stockholm University: A Holistic Approach for IT Governance in the Public sector Organizations in a Developing Country: A Case Study of Tanzania

What is IT Governance? Business support, IT risks, performance, delivery time, service cost, service quality, etc. Basically, business people have to be aligned with IT people.

A holistic approach covering the following areas of improvement:

  • Leadership
  • Effective coordination mechanisms
  • Reasonable IT investment

Research question: how could IT Governance in the public sector in a developing country be streamlined in order to improve public services delivery? A framework for effective governance:

  • ITG Context
  • ITG Mechanisms
  • ITG Key Decisions
  • ITG Maturity
  • ITG Problems & Consequences
More info

Marilla Palmen, University of Kuopio: How to develop participatory research methods to assess health information management needs of families with small babies?

Participatory action research approach to help health care workers to improve their work. “My Wellbeing” is an e-health tool (actually in conceptualization phase) for families and individuals to monitor their own health.

Challenges: how to know the user needs? how to know the best way to fit them?

Some approaches to conceptualize this “my wellbeing”

  • Health services development
  • Information needs assessment, information behaviour, information seeking behaviour, information practices
  • Personal information management

Evelyn Kigozi Kahiigi, DSV-Stockholm University: E-learning in the developing country context: Adoption and Utilization at the University Level in Uganda

Ugandan framework for ICT and Education

  • ICt acquisition liberalization (1996)
  • Rolling out a National Data Backbone
  • Growth of the ICT Sector
  • Integration of ICT into the curriculum of primary and secondary education
  • Integration of ICT in teaching and research in Higher Education
  • SchoolNet Uganda, Uganda Connect, Research Network of Uganda

BUT the reality is that there are ICT acceptance issues and limited utilization of ICTs for education: e-mail, LMS to upload notes, and powerpoint presentations to teach. Maybe due to limited access, maybe due to a lack of awareness in the educational framework.

Instead, there is a growing informal e-learning in Uganda: Internet, chats, e-content, mailing lists and chats… This informal e-learning should be exploited.

[this reminds me of Ivan Illich, Sugata Mitra and others about deschooling society and being confident about the ability of children to self-teach themselves when an appropriate framework is provided.]

Niels Peter Nielsen, University of London: Mobile Technology in African Rural Development

Main issues:

  • Need for active policies to spread ICTs in rural areas and the benefits of investing in agriculture.
  • How does access to mobile technology influence the rural residents bargaining power in the market place?
  • How do mobile technologies fulfil social functions in the marketing process? How are issues discussed including and beyond “pure” price negotiations?

Based on action research.


Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (2008)

Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (I). Tim Unwin: ICT4D – where next?

Notes from the IPID ICT4D PG symposium 2008, Mekrijärvi Research Station, Joensuu University, Finland. 8 and 9 September, 2008.

Keynote speech
Tim Unwin: ICT4D – where next?

Tim Unwin
Tim Unwin

Thoughts on a framework for reflecting on ICT4D

The importance of the D in ICT4D. Predominance of development as “economic growth” and “poverty elimination”. Development definitions should be put in context.

What’s empowerment? Empowerment cannot be exogenous. Habermas’s critical theory as a guide: theory of knowledge constitutive interests. The role of the researcher as the psychoanalyst of the society, to make people (e.g. leaders) think and reflect.

Three main drivers of (new) research:

  • From individual focused approaches to communal focused ones
  • Avoid technologically driven research interests, and try to think about the most appropriate technology for each context… and this includes going back before the “new” technologies (e.g. electrical power)
  • Integrated approach

Towards a critical ICT4D

A focus on needs, avoiding supply led and top down ICT4D projects. Supply and demand need be fitted and put together. And then rely on local institutions, already working, with large tradition, to leverage their legitimacy.

Sustainability has to be put into the equation from the start, not when failure occurs. The goal to be pursued is to find some sustainable project that matches both the interest of the rich (the investors, the international companies) and the poor.

Hence, some good research on needs should be done before engaging in research about the solutions.

Enhance sustainability by taking accessibility into account.

Reflections on research practices

The challenge of multidisciplinary approaches meeting in ICT4D.

Is an empowering agenda compatible with doing (traditional) research / publishing in peer reviewed papers / following “academic” rules?


Third Annual ICT4D Postgraduate Symposium (2008)

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