Working papers on Digital Divide, the Spread of the Internet and Political Institutions

Answering my previous post (also sent to the DDN list), Jon Camfield points me to these references:

Milner, H. V. (2006). The Digital Divide: The Role of Political Institutions in Technology Diffusion. In Comparative Political Studies, Volume 39, (No 2, March 200), pp 176-199. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.

As can be easily seen, last two references are almost the same, being the former the working paper and the latter the publication as an article. The three of them are a good approach to interconnecting ICT data and (trying and) showing some cross conclusions. Check Helen V. Milner‘s web site for other papers and even data and how-to about the reference.

BTW, following Jon’s blog I find Henry Farrell’s – actually, it looks like the "Information Technology and International Affairs" subject web site. The reading list is quite complete and class eleven has some other links to references about the Digital Divide :)

(Thanks to Deborah Elizabeth Finn that forwarded my previous post to him)


If you need to cite this article in a formal way (i.e. for bibliographical purposes) I dare suggest:

Peña-López, I. (2006) “Working papers on Digital Divide, the Spread of the Internet and Political Institutions” In ICTlogy, #31, April 2006. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
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1 Comment to “Working papers on Digital Divide, the Spread of the Internet and Political Institutions” »

  1. For the record, Dr. Farrell turned me on to Eszter Hargittai (, whose work led me to Milner’s.

    My more permanent blog (I don’t know how long Henry will keep our class blogs up there) is at, where I’ve relocated most of the material from that blog, as well as keep a small wiki that I use to track ICT4Dev topics that I’m interested in (or may become interested in!). I need to add this site to my wiki offiste reference list!

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